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Spiritual Awakening: Stop Majoring In The Minor!!!

Spiritual Awakening:Stop Majoring In The Minor!

Image result for Stop Majoring In The MinorImage result for Stop Majoring In The Minor

As we embrace the spiritual awakening process we need to stop majoring in the minor and look at the big picture. This week there was made about President Trump not allowing transgenders to enlist for military service. While this is a major issue the truth of the matter is that I really haven’t interacted with many transgenders in my lifetime and when I have I have been kind and compassionate remembering that it is not my place to judge. All over Facebook I saw people getting upset with this and arguing and I thought what our country needs is to stop majoring in the minor and to have a spiritual awakening recognizing that we are all divine children of GOD and we should not be judged by appearance but by our actions. It is time for a dose of spirituality so that we can stop worrying about the small stuff and remember it is all small stuff. The rule of the day needs to be kindness and love in all that you do. The finger pointing and excuse making needs to stop. It is time that we all understand that we a re more alike than we are different. I recommend that you stop watching all the negative news and get out in the community and get to know the people in your community that we stop with the chip on our shoulder and our entitlement attitude and start asking ourselves how do we help others to become more loving and compassionate. The discussions that have come across Facebook with people calling each other names because you have a different point of view does not help to enhance your personal, professional, or spiritual life instead it allows for the negative influences to permeate your thoughts thus stopping you from creating the life you desire. Think about what you are focusing on. 

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Spiritual Awakening: Don’t Conform Transform!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Don’t Conform Transform!

  I declared 2016 as a year of transformation and  came up with the tag line Don’t Conform Transform. I am not saying go out and break rules and put others in danger rather to find ways to do things differently and to transform your personal,professional, and spiritual life while being of service and value to others. When you commit to transforming and not conforming you will have your detractors as you are doing things that they wouldn’t do. When you do something that a very small percentage of the population would do and the majority is being constrained by the so called social norms you are going to have those who will not get what you are doing and try to get you to stop. This happens when you take action that makes you stand out and gets results. Do not let those trying to stop you convince you to stop doing things your way.

 I have adopted the song I Did It My Way by Frank Sinatra as an anthem through out my spiritual awakening as I have done things my way. True there were times when doing it my way rubbed people the wrong way because they didn’t understand that at the end of the day there are two entities to please ourselves and GOD.  When we do things our way we are going to encounter detractors, naysayers, and haters who just do not understand your methodology and who will be the first to condemn instead of encourage. Unfortunately many of these people are in positions of perceived power and allow that power to go to their heads and when someone comes along that does something different they freak out and try to hold you back not understanding that there are several ways to get the desired results and no one way is superior to the other. The key is do it your way and begin to transform instead of conforming. It is when you break the shackles of doubt, fear, and expected outcomes that you begin to see improvement in your life.

When we break free and let go and let GOD we begin to move forward in the positive direction of our dreams. When we remember that if GOD brought us to it GOD will bring us through it. When we do things as directed by GOD we are rewarded. Many times doing things based on the principle that I am a divine Child of GOD and GOD doesn’t make any junk brings on some detractors as they haven’t learned the principle to love themselves. Many have not come to understand that in order to create a oneness consciousness we must realize we are more alike than different.  I have always done things a bit differently and had a different perspective on life. As a result I have been able to do things on my own terms and  find success. Success to me is making a positive impact on the lives of people I come in contact with through out the day. I have learned that the way I carry myself and the way I do things will not always resonate with everyone but those that I resonate with will have their lives enhanced in some way.

We often stop ourselves from transforming because we worry about what other people will think and we forget that we are earth for a purpose. On many occasions I have been questioned on how I do things and I have said that I do not have to justify my actions to you for in the end we will all be judged by GOD. You can imagine how my attitude of stepping into my power can create some challenges because many people are set int he way they would do things and are so driven by ego that they have edged GOD out they they fail to see that there are more ways to do things and sometimes doing things different and non conforming  leads to more success because you have transformed instead of conformed.

Even the scriptures instruct us to not conform and to follow GOD. If you begin to live a life of purpose and directed by GOD you will begin to find more peace, love, joy, and prosperity.


It will those of us who question the so called norms of society and do things differently that will change our world. We will have our share of detractors and we must remember that it is not our job to drag them kicking and screaming onto the path  it is our job to shine our light and illuminate our world. Stay Positive!!! Namaste!!!




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Spiritual Awakening: Time To Change The World!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Time To Change The World!!!

When you are going through the spiritual awakening process you realize that you are not only changing yourself but you are changing the world. When you commit to taking action to be more in tune with your spirituality and to tap into your divine guidance system you take the steps that will enhance your personal and professional life thus changing the world. When you awake in the morning you should be looking for ways to be of service and value to others. In finding and taking advantage of the opportunities to be of service and value you will witness the small changes that lead to changing the world.  When you decide it is time to change the world and you take action you will begin to see the dramatic changes that create a collective consciousness that creates a positive shift in your life and the lives of others. As you move forward in the quest to change the world you will experience personal and professional growth that will allow to enjoy the prosperity that is your birthright.

be the change you want to see in the world gandhisomething and because i cannot do everything i will not refuse to do ...Change the world quotes 1 In our life we will witness injustice and as spiritual beings it is our responsibility to step in and use the divine guidance and our divine guidance to stop the injustice and change the world. If we turn a blind eye to the injustice we are just as guilty as those committing the injustice. So many are fearful of speaking up that they allow the injustice to continue and thus when it continues they feel guilt. Fear and guilt are energy drainers and stop you from making a positive difference in the world. We all have  a voice and it is time to use our collective voices to change the world.  Sometimes eradicating a perceived problem such as a hungry child is simply to buy and prepare food for the child. Sometimes the way to assist a homeless person is simply to talk to the person and see if they desire help to improve their human condition. In most cases you can change the world simply by interacting with people and helping them to step into their power and showing them how to use their talents. Their are certain things you can do to change the world. You can show love and compassion in all you do. You can forgive yourself and others for their transgressions. You can assume an attitude of gratitude. The choice is yours to tap into your spirituality and change the world.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Bank Account Spiritual Destinations Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Vibrations Vision

Spiritual Awakening: Pressing On!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Pressing On!!!

 As I drove to Starbucks today (5/23/14) I was listening to Reach FM and this song was playing on the radio. I started to think since my spiritual awakening how many times I have pressed on despite the trials and tribulations that have been presented in my life. I have been asked several times JDOGG how do you keep moving forward? My answer, I become an action taker and I press on. I have come to realize during the spiritual awakening process that there are some that will, some that won’t so I say so what as there are some waiting and move on to the next person. I have discovered that I will not resonate or have a vibrational mix with everyone and that not everyone will share my passion and enthusiasm for life. The key is to be committed to pressing on and moving in a positive direction of your goals and dreams. I have discovered that as long as I shine my light and give glory to GOD that I will be able to press on and find success.

 In pressing on I have adopted this as an anthem to remind me to continue on my quest toward spiritual enlightenment. I have begun to ask myself everyone morning how I can be of service and value to others? I have made it a point to press on by being committed to make a difference in the lives of others and thus enhance my personal and professional life.  In pressing on and never giving up I have been able to experience a myriad of successes. In taking action and getting involved in the community I have seen changes being made because of people coming alive and committing to press on and stay positive. In pressing on I have had dreams come true like announcing a championship football game or emceeing a large community event.

 I was reflecting during the spiritual awakening process as I was working through releasing what a sixth grade teacher had told me 37 years ago that I wouldn’t amount to much. I shred the story how I overcame the diagnosis of a specific learning disability and the negatives associated with that diagnosis. I got my payback in 1988 when I was assigned to substitute teach at my old middle school. There I was in the teacher’s lounge when that teacher came in an I stood up and introduced myself and told her that I substituting teaching there and asked so how are you liking me know.  This story reminds me that no one can hold you back but yourself and how important it is to overcome and press on.

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Spiritual Awakening: Honoring Your Commitments!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Honoring Your Commitments!!!!

 When the day of judgment comes and it will come for us all the one thing we will evaluated on is did we honor our commitments. On Sunday 3/23/14 I traveled to Riveria Beach to announce a basketball game for The Palm Beach Pelicans of The Central Basketball League. I did the game and was told I did an excellent job I asked the owner for payment and he told me to wait a minute and I said okay. I was at the concessions area so I couldn’t be missed. He left without paying me and when I confronted him about this he gave me a story about having to take a player to the airport. I said okay come by the WRPBiTV Studios in Boca on Tuesday and drop off the $150 that you promised to pay me. He didn’t show so I asked him again for payment and asked him to come by the studio on Thursday. Thursday came and still no money. I wrote to him and said you have left me no choice but to take this public. He then said you would take this public I said I was going to pay you.  I then thought wow here is someone who professes to own The Central Basketball League and The Palm Beach Pelicans but hasn’t honored his commitment to pay me the $150 that is owed to me. The said part about the situation is that on my way home from the game one of my tires blew out and the $150 would have come in handy to replace the tire and have my oil changed. I was also planning on donating $15 from the $150 to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I have learned that not everyone you meet will be as spiritually awake and aware as you are and that not everyone will honor their commitments. When thus happens you have to look at the lesson that was learned and decide what measures to take so others do not get taken advantage of when dealing with this person. I have prayed that the owner of The Palm Beach Pelicans sees the error in his ways and begins to honor his commitments. In taking the action to share this story it is my intention to help those on a spiritual path to protect themselves and make sure people are honoring their commitments.

 In the spiritual awakening process one discovers that the only thing that endures is your character. A coach of mine Shantel Smith taught me that how you do anything is how you do everything and this is so true as you can observe people and see how they act and if they honor commitments and if they do not you know that you are not matching up vibrationally or spiritually and that you may just need to move on and not work with that person as they no longer serve you. Sometimes character is revealed in the height of adversity for one who is willing to sacrifice to honor a commitment is the person you want to work with.

Action Takers Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Bank Account Spiritual Destinations Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Peace In All Situations!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Peace In All Situations!!!

 Today’s post is inspired by the happenings at my local Dunkin Donuts. I was there with my DAD as he hangs out with a group of people that he has known for years. This group could really use a spiritual awakening as they create a lot of drama. As the drama escalated I took a deep breathe and thought  it is times like this that we must find peace in all situations.  I was able to create peace by putting on my spiritual advisor hat and breaking out The Sonia Choquette Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose Oracle Cards and The Doreen Virtue Archangel Michael Oracle Cards and The Doreen Virtue Mary Queen Of Angels Cards. By taking action I was able to create some peace and bring peace in to the situation. It was by being compassionate and loving and becoming detached from the situation that peace became the feeling in the space. As I wrote a few days ago in a previous blog entry it is important to create sacred space everywhere you go. The sacred space is inside of you and when you are connected to source you create the oneness with GOD that allows you to find peace in all situations. As part of the spiritual awakening process it is important to realize that peace comes from inside and when you embrace your inner peace you can find peace in all situations. If you realize that you did not create the issue, that you can not control the issue, and you aren’t going to cure the issue you will begin to find peace in all you do. Like a flowing river you will ebb and flow as it is determined by GOD. When you let go and let GOD you find peace in all situations.

Spiritual Awakening: Ways To Find Peace In All Situations!!!!


 John Lennon gives a message that can help you find peace in all situations. By being peaceful and loving in all you do you attract love and peace into your personal and professional life.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: The Spiritual Lessons of MLK

Spiritual Awakening: The Spiritual Lessons Of MLK!!!

quotes by subject browse quotes by author martin luther king jr quotes ...Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! #MartinLutherKing ... | Quotes I ...As we mark the life of a great man, Martin Luther King Jr., today we have the opportunity to delve into his teachings and further our spiritual awakening. We can ask ourselves how am I living a life of light and love? As we explore this question we can see how shining our light is helping to create a better world filled with peace, love, and happiness.

king jr keep moving quotes Famous People Sayings Martin luther king jr ... It is when we awaken spiritually and decide to move forward in the direction of our dreams by becoming an action taker that we create a world that is filled with joy and abundance. It is when we embrace our gifts and stand for something that others see and take action as well. When you become an action taker you begin to see how you can create and manifest the life you desire. You must be willing to do something that will not only serve you but serve others.

 Each day ask yourself how am I being of service and value to others and then continue to serve. I am currently raising funds for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton. By giving people a chance to visit and list their website I am being of service and value to those affected by cancer by raising funds for research, education, advocacy, and services while providing people a platform to promote themselves and create an advocate for them.  It is when we make a conscious effort to serve that we began to become spiritually awakened and placed on a path toward enlightenment.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Friends Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Be The Miracle!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Be The Miracle!!!! 


As I watched this video I kept thinking of the scene from Bruce Almighty where Jim Carey’s character Bruce tell the audience to be the miracle!!! I kept thinking how can you be a blessing for others? This led me to think of ways you can pay it forward and further your spiritual awakening?  I began to ask myself how can I become an action taker and make a positive difference. The answer was simple look to GOD and co-create opportunities to lift others up and show them that everything is possible. I have always subscribed to the belief that service to humanity is the best work of life and I begin my day with a question, how can I be of service and value today? I have adopted a few anthems along the way like Janet Lee Kraft’s Love Is The Highest Way and Tiffany Millander’s Awaken.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Inspiration Lessons Learned Life Lifting Love Messages Mind Body Soul Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Martin Luther King Jr. Remembered



Spiritual Awakening: Martin Luther King Jr. Remembered

I was 2 1/2 years old when GOD called Martin Luther King Jr. home thus my knowledge of him comes from the watching of his speeches and what they taught us in school about him.  In a very spirtual sense he was an action taker who understood his clling and his purpose. Through his passion and action he created many opportunities for those who otherwise would not have had a voice and who may never have been given the opportunity to excel. His dream that people should be judged on the content of the character instead of on the color of their skin is a work in progress as there are still many that have not awakened spiritually to understand that we are all divine children of GOD.

  Today (1/21/13) we marked a milestone in history by remembering Martin Luther King Jr. while also swearing in President Barack Obama for a second term. The second bible that Barack Obama used to take his oath belonged to Martin Luther King Jr.  As The inauguration ended President Obama and his family along with Joe Biden and his family stopped by The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Statue to honor the fallen civil rights leader.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Flow Greatness Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Success Talents

Spiritual Awakening: Meaning of Life Found In Grocery Store!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Meaning Of Life Found In Grocery Store!

 There I was shopping in my local Publix and I stopped for a moment and I was reading the side of The Arizona Tea Can that I had decided to purchase and I found it the meaning of life as it said RECYCLE. I stopped for a moment and took a deep breath to contemplate this message. Then it hit me the concept of recycling goes far beyond just making something new out of something used it goes to the heart of looking at way you can be a recycler and pay it forward and thus improve the quality of life for someone else and in return be rewarded.