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Spiritual Awakening: Turning Dreams Into Reality!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Turning Dreams Into Reality!!!

As you experience a spiritual awakening and become an action taker you will find it easier to turn dreams into reality. When you  decide to turn dreams into reality you will find yourself becoming more and more aware and awake as you tap into your inner divinity and change your thoughts from lack to abundance. When you reach deep into your heart and find the power to act upon your dreams you will find that you attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. The minute you decide that nothing is impossible because the word itself says I  am possible you will find it much easier to turn your dreams int reality. It is important to ignore those that say you can’t do something and find those who will lift y up and encourage you to do what it is that you are doing. Many times we create blockages because we buy into the negativity that others are dishing out thus we do not act upon the dreams that we hold inside of us leaving us to wonder what might of been or could have been. Now is the time to take action and don’t allow the negative talk of others or your own negative self talk to hold you back. It is time for you to come alive and share your vision with the world so you will shine bright and give others permission to do the same. It is time to detach from outcomes and simply find ways that you can be of service and value to your community. When you are committed to turning dreams into reality you will find that you experience a shift in your personal, professional, and spiritual life that begins to attract bliss and abundance to everything that you do.
As a spiritual being having a human experience it is important to dream big and not sell yourself short for you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper. It is important t become an action taker and let GOD direct you because if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. The dreamers who take action and dream big will find that their life is filled with peace, love, joy, and prosperity. As you turn your dreams into reality and nurture other people’s dreams you will find yourself doing things that you could never have imagined. In your quest to move forward along your spiritual path and turn dreams into reality you will find yourself shifting from negativity to positivism. You will find that you start to erase negative emotions and start to create more positive emotions. You will find by turning dreams into reality that you go from a place of despair to a place of hope.

Spiritual Awakening: Turning Dreams Into Reality: A Case Study!!!

Image result for turning dreams into realityI had a dream of positively impacting lives by thinking globally and acting locally as I believe that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of nations. As  began to take action I started to find positions that allowed me to be a positive influence of people’s lives. In 1992 I was substitute teaching at Margate Middle  when the principal approached me about being a teacher assistant for The 6th Grade Alpha Program which focused on working with at risk youth. I accepted the position and each day I was determined to positively impact the lives of the students. I was able t bring in speakers from The Miami Dolphins and The Florida Panthers. When the players came to school I experienced a sense of pride as I had turned a dream into reality. I was also able to help the students to find avenues where they could pursue their dreams as I would ask them what their dreams were and  would take notes and if they had a dream that  could fulfill I would do my best to help them turn their dream into reality. A few years would pass and I would find myself looking for other ways to be of service and value to others. I was out of work in January of 2002 and prospects of finding a job seemed bleak then I had a vision which told me to apply to become a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer. I applied and in July of 2002 I headed to The Philippines where I worked as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer at a Regional Rehabilitation Center For Youth teaching English, Math, and Livelihood Skills. I returned from The U.S. Peace Corps in February 2003 and now 15 years later I continue to do my best to turn dreams into reality.



By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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