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Spiritual Awakening: Keeping The Fire Burning!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Keeping The Fire Burning!!!

On Saturday (8/4/2018) I was out promoting The 2019 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise at The City Of Sunrise Back To School Round-Up. Things were going great and I was have a great time making contacts and sharing Relay For Life with others then bam heat exhaustion got the best of me. I was doing what I liked to do making videos and being of service and value and service to others and my fire was nearly put out. Thank you to the prompt and professional care of Sunrise Fire Rescue I was taken to their emergency vehicle and treated. I was given the all clear and told to go get blood work done, I drove home and thought despite this minor set back I had to keep my fire burning. Today (8/6/2018) I took action and went for the blood work so that I could take the appropriate measures to keep my fire burning.   I learned that the evil one may try to drag you down and take you away from what GOD has planned for you so it is important to stay strong and keep your fire burning. Since the beginning of time those with passion and fire in their heart have gone on to achieve great things just as GOD had intended for them.

You may not have started the fire but you can keep it burning by learning from the past so that you can live in the represent and plan for the future. On may occasions you simply have to get in tune with your inner divine guidance system and commit to keep the fire burning. As you continue to walk your spiritual path make it a point to set fire to the rain.

When you decide to set fire to the rain and keep the fire burning that there will be all types of doubters, haters, and naysayers that will do everything in their power to discourage you and change you from an action taker to an excuse maker. It is at these moments when you must affirm that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper. It is time to become a fireball and let your fire burn to the point where you may overheat. If you overheat know that with some rest, reflection, and meditation you will keep your fire burning and you will be stronger as a result.

It is time for you to set your heart on fore and realize that what the mind can conceive and your heart can believe you can achieve. It is time to keep your fire burning and take some action by following your passion thus leading you to success. It is when you become a fireball that you are able accomplish then things that were only once imagined. I was asked the other day what was stopping me and I answered that my fire was slowly being extinguished. I was told that as long as there was a burning ember that I should fan the flames and create an inferno. It was after sitting in quiet reflection in my sacred space that I realized I must keep the fiore burning despite some setbacks.

After nearly having my fire put out I came to understand that I needed to create a disco inferno and to burn so bright that I would create an inferno that could illuminate the world. I started to look back at everything that has been thrown my way to attempt to extinguish my fire over the years and how each time I cam back stronger and kept the fire burning. The one common thread to keep the fire burning was my ability to stay positive and face everything and rise.  It is time for you to keep your fire burning and to step into your power as you were born to be great. It is time to burn bright for the entire world to see.
When you decide to let the fire burn inside of you and ignite your mission to be of service and value you will find that passion +action = success. Now is the time to let your fire burn and when people try to extinguish your fire simply use it as fuel to propel you to the greatness that you were born to achieve.  It is your turn to become a firework.

As you keep your fire burning and become a firework remember that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD doesn’t make any junk. It is your time to shine so do not let any setbacks stop you. Stay Positive. Namaste!!!

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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