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Spiritual Awakening: Down But Not Out!!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Down But Not Out!!!

Image result for Cardinal Gibbons High School Football State ChampionsThe 2018 football season started off slow for The Cardinal Gibbons Chiefs as they began the year 0-2 and then in what could be viewed as a spiritual awakening the team got together and decided that they needed to buy into what the coaches had put up as a motto which was #1815 meaning playing 15 games in 2018 which would mean they made it to the state championship game. The team despite some key injuries would go on a 13 game winning streak and bring home The State 5A Football Championships. In looking back at the 2018 season I found a lesson in spirituality which I titled down but not out. In football as long as there is time on the clock there is a chance to win. In life as long as you are breathing there is a chance for victory over your demons.

Image result for down but not out quotesImage result for down but not out quotesThere are times when we will get knocked down and encounter anxiety and depression as a result of our human existence and our programming. It is at these times that we will turn to GOD and pray for direction so that we can get back up. The answers will be provided and the path to follow will be set by GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels. It is in listening to these messages that we will find that we may be down but we are not out. In the 11 months since my DAD passed and me not having steady work there have been times that I just wanted to quit but then I am remember how The 2018 Cardinal Gibbons Chiefs didn’t quit and how they had victory in the end and I move forward. I am very grateful to all those who have helped me in my time of need. It is my hope to become financially stable while also enhancing my personal, professional, and spiritual life. I set up a Facebook Fundraiser at

I have set up I am grateful for those who have helped me as I continue to realize that I may be down but I am not out. I have found there are many that will judge as they do not know the whole story. I also found that many haven’t responded due tot he many scams that are on the internet so they are skeptical not knowing that it is me making the ask. In doing my best to affect change and detaching from outcomes I find myself coming alive as I continue to serve the community in an effort to rebound from the dark times that I have been facing. It is scary to be on the brink of homelessness as many of the low vibration emotions start to creep into your life then you realize that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. You also begin to understand that perhaps it is time to change your priorities and the way you are going about things and realize that you determine your energy flow and what you attract by how you carry yourself. There are times when you simply have to put yourself first so that you can be of service and value to others.

Image result for Create your own breaksWhen your down but not out you may find yourself pointing fingers and blaming others however when you experience a spiritual awakening you will find that you can create your own breaks by becoming an action taker. I was reflecting back on how I secured many of my announcing jobs and they all had one thing in common. It was the fact that I took action to seek them out. I remember listening to WQAM and hearing about The Lingerie Football League now Legends Football League so I reached out to them via email to be the announcer for The Miami Caliente and they sent me a number to call and I did, I auditioned over the phone and secured the position and announced Caliente Games for 2 years and did The Lingerie Bowl  game. I have taken action many times and most times I have secured an announcing position. On many occasions I have  stopped working with teams due to many circumstances however I always managed to rebound and get back up.

  When you feel down remember you are not out and that you can get back up again. In order to get back up again you may need to share your story and seek some assistance. Remember there is no shame is asking for help as many have been where you are and will be willing to help. Now is the time to get back up again. Stay Positive Today!!! Namaste!!!

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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