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Spiritual Awakening: Down But Not Out!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Down But Not Out!!!

Image result for Cardinal Gibbons High School Football State ChampionsThe 2018 football season started off slow for The Cardinal Gibbons Chiefs as they began the year 0-2 and then in what could be viewed as a spiritual awakening the team got together and decided that they needed to buy into what the coaches had put up as a motto which was #1815 meaning playing 15 games in 2018 which would mean they made it to the state championship game. The team despite some key injuries would go on a 13 game winning streak and bring home The State 5A Football Championships. In looking back at the 2018 season I found a lesson in spirituality which I titled down but not out. In football as long as there is time on the clock there is a chance to win. In life as long as you are breathing there is a chance for victory over your demons.