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Spiritual Awakening: Persistence Breaks Down The Resistance!!!

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We can not allow anything to stop us from spreading peace, love, joy, and prosperity wherever we go.

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Spiritual Awakening: Persistence Breaks Down The Resistance!

Be Persistent! | Mrs. Nerkizian's WOS Makerspace

Through the spiritual awakening process I have come to learn that persistence breaks down the resistance. I have come to understand that when you plan your work and work  your plan with consistency that you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. I have come to realize that you may lose a few people along the way because of being persistent however those meant to help and support you and resonate with your message will be attracted to you when GOD deems it necessary to place them along your path.

Be persistent and consistent | 20th quote, Words, Fitness motivation quotesOver the years there have been times when I wanted to quit because things were not going well however I pushed through with persistence and as a result was able to continue to be of service and value to others. The moment I took action to bring projects to fruition I knew that persistence would be a key ingredient. Many times I simply needed to sit down in meditation and consul with the Ascended Masters, GOD, Jesus, and The Angels and the answers I was seeking were given to me so I could continue to awaken and as a result attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. It was when I came alive and decided to make changes in my life that I was able to persist in answering my calling thus giving me the opportunity to help my community. In being persistent and walking in your truth you will find that you clear blockages that may be stopping yourself from achieving the greatness that is your birthright.

inspiredworlds - Be Persistent - inspiredworlds

2020 Gave us all several challenges as it seemed as though our world has been turned upside down however it was those who were persistent and adapted that found success. 2021 has given us a few more challenges and to overcome these challenges it will take persistence and a commit to be the best version of ourselves as possible. We need to be persistent in our quest to lift others so that they will realize they are divine children of GOD and GOD wants them to prosper so they can prosper others. We must be consistent in the effort to realize that we as humans are more alike than different. The time have come for us to set goals and be persistent in achieving them. We need to be persistent in showing kindness and compassion and making sure people see the good that is going on in their communities. Instead of arguing we need to be persistent in uniting and recognizing each others divinity. It is time to realize that we are all unique and that we need to embrace that uniqueness and find ways to respect one another and make our communities a better place.

Now is our time to persist in recognizing that we are people destined to bring bliss and abundance into our lives and into the lives of others. It is the season to make peace, love, and understanding a priority. It is time to persist in being respectful to each other even though we may have different views. It is time to come together and unite by being persistent in doing random acts of kindness. It is time to flood Social Media with good news and build each other up so we can build stronger communities. We can not allow anything to stop us from spreading peace, love, joy, and prosperity wherever we may go.

     Now is your time to find someone to help you in your persistence to improve your life and the lives of others. It is our time to show the world that persistence breaks down the resistance. You are going to encounter doubters, haters, and naysayers so simply hold a special place for them and be  persistent in finding the lifters and the supporters. You will find that when you are persistent you will find the help to turn your limiting beliefs into limitless beliefs. I remember when I told people that I wanted to be a PA Announcer and many said I couldn’t do that because I had no formal training instead I became persistent and any time I had a chance to announce a game I took it. I began to hone my craft to the point where I was confident to reach out to teams and leagues and offer my services. In being persistent I have had the opportunity to work with some great people and have formed a reputation as one of the top PA Announcers in my area. It is when you are persistent that you break down the resistance. Don’t give up continue on your spiritual path. Namaste!!!

By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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