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Spiritual Awakening: Knowing Your Energy and The Energy Of Others

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Spiritual Awakening: Knowing Your Energy and The Energy of Others

As my life takes yet another turn I realize how important it is to know the energy you are giving off and the energy of others. I began a project recently that I thought was a wonderful opportunity and after 8 days of work I was told I can’t keep you on salary I can offer you commission only. I thought for a moment and realized that at this point in my life at age 47 I seek something guaranteed so I thanked them offered to finish out the week for the agreed salary. As I left today I was given a check for my work today and told I would be called if they needed me any further. I will continue to support their effort as I believe in what they are doing.  This led me to todays blog entry Knowing Your Energy and The Energy Of Others as I know I was giving 100% when I was working on the project and my energy was good knowing that I was part of something that has the potential to be great and I was getting a flat salary for 3 days worth of work, the person  who brought me on board seemed to be preoccupied with other things and wasn’t bringing great energy to the table.


I found a website, the 3rd photo from the left is from them, and though how fitting that is what I have been doing most of my life. I have been giving of my time, my money, and my energy to those in need and as a result I have always had enough for myself. By understanding the energy I give off and the energy being given off by another person I can act accordingly to the sitiuation. For example I am super positive and see potential in all that I do so I look for other positive people who believe in themeselves and lift others up. In many occassions when the energy is not congruent it is best to walk away and leave in an amicable situation. We can dwell on the person who calls back and says have we met and when you answer no they say take me off the call list not understanding that you could be an asset to them or we can choose to focus on the call that says thank you for the information we will think about it. What energy you focus on will determine how high you soar in your personal and professional life.

When seeking to understand your energy and the energy of others it is important to have a resource like Dr. Judith Orloff  to help you on your path to spiritual awakening. There are many resources available you to start working on yourself and to help you in dealing with energy, many are found simply by clicking on The Hay House Link and making an investment in yourself. As you beging to understand energy you will be able to soar as high as you desire.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools to Help You Raise Your Energy


Many times using stones and crystals is a great source to help with your energy.

 Burning incense before a meeting or before leaving your home can help you to change your energy

Watching and applying the teachings of a video like this can help you to better understand energy.

The Ramones put a unique spin on a classic song A Wonderful World.

 Meditation is a great way to refresh and recharge your positive energy.

Many times through out the day just stopping to breathe is very helpful. When something or someone negative enters your energy breathe and let it go for it all works out in the end. Being peaceful and allowing things to flow  makes for a happier and healthier life. When something seems negative think there may be something better to come of this.

 Be aware of your energy and the energy of others. Many times you can reflect and see how the energy you brought to the situation was not inline with the energy of those around you and thus you can learn to be more aware and have a more positive experience. Remember everyone is evolving at his or her own pace.

It is when we are aware of the energy we give and the energy that is being taken that we can prosper ourselves so a sto keep enough for us and then be able to give to others. It is when we seek that we find and when we bring positive energy to our search we are positivey rewarded.



By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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