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Spiritual Awakening: Building MO, Keep On Keeping On

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Spiritual Awakening: Building MO, Keep On Keeping On


Shawn Doyle and Lauren Anderson collobarate on a great book that inspired this blog entry, MO as it explores the lives of everyday people who make the best of their situation and continue to keep on keeping on.  As I interviewed Shawn on 9/3 and Lauren on 9/10 I began to realize that the key to personal development is to be grateful for what you do have and to keep on keeping on. I began to think about all those people who are disgruntled and complain about their circumstances and I feel ike bgrabbing them and saying hey wake up it is not the circumstances, the economy, or others it is you. I know I can not physically do that so I use this blog as an outlet to encourage others to build motivation in their lives and in the lives of others. I am reminded of The Zig Ziglar quote “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily. ” It is in doing something motivational daily that we develop and grow.may times it is jus engaging someone you meet out in public just by saying hello.  I have often stated that I use a 3 foot rule, where if someone is within 3 feet of me I will talk to them. Thank you to Lisa Douglas Past President of The Florida Jaycees for first teaching me this technique.


Spiritual Awakening: What is MO?

What is MO?
Most people think that motivation for them is out of reach. They have an average job at an average company. This book is intended to give people hope by shining the light on people who are in average regular jobs but are amazing.
In the book we offer inspiring profiles of a Service Advisor, Hot Dog vendor, Airline Gate Agent, Seafood Market Owner, Construction worker, Seamstress, Fitness Trainer, and a Taxi driver who all have the magic MO! qualities.
These were people in ordinary jobs, but despite that fact, they decided NOT to be ordinary. They performed their jobs brilliantly, exceptionally, differently and exceeded everyone’s expectations of what that job “should” be every day. More importantly everyone around them knows it, sees it and acknowledges it.
The central idea behind this book is we think it can be learned.
Professional speaking – Both Shawn Doyle and Lauren Anderson run public and private seminars 100-120 times a year, sometimes together, and often separately, to corporate, association, and other audiences.
Social Media – Shawn Doyle has over 15,000 direct connections on LinkedIn and hosts the largest motivational group on LinkedIn called Motivation Nation.
Print – Shawn has a regular column in Business2Business magazine, a monthly publication reaching 50,000 executives in five different regions of Pennsylvania. Lauren writes many articles a year for Beauty Fashion Magazine and others. She has contacts in luxury goods/retail magazines, newspapers, newsletters and more.
Mo! Every Day Heroes Who Live With MOmentum, MOtivation, and MOxie
By: Shawn Doyle & Lauren Anderson
Sound Wisdom, 167 Walnut Bottom Road, Shippensburg, PA 17257-0310, 978-1937879037
Reviewed by Richard R. Blake
Stories of People Filled With Passion, Drive, Charisma, and Magnetism
Shawn Doyle & Lauren Anderson have collaborated to compile the stories that make up “Mo: Everyday Heroes Who Live with Momentum, Motivation, and Moxie.” These inspiring personality profiles illustrate the importance of discovering and developing one’s individual potential.
Twenty-three ordinary people are introduced. Each story highlights special qualities that make these individuals stand out in their unique way. The chapter titles become word pictures providing the reader a visual image of the personality profile to following. Here are a few examples:
Vern Oscarson: Fish Peddler Extraordinaire Bill Staton: The Amazing Maintenance Man Jennifer Thompson: The Harpist Who Went to Law School Joe Fleming: Skycap with True Spirit Kate Holgate: The People Magnate
Pedro Valente’s story was of particular interest to me. A Master in Brazilian Jujitsu Pedro stands straight, a man who lives and follows the message of his: Seven Principles of Virtue, Five Keys to Health, and the three elements that impact The State of Mind.
Each story concludes with “MO Notes” and “MeMO” exercises and several suggested action steps to help the reader assimilate and appropriate the lessons presented. The applications are practical, relevant, proven principles for attaining full meaningful extraordinary lives.
“MO” is a unique approach in the genre of self-help and MOtivational books. Shawn Doyle and Lauren Anderson are practical and professional in their writing. “MO” is entertaining, instructional, and highly MOtivational.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Build Mo to Keep on Keeping On

 Many times it is the energy and the attitude that we bring to something that will determine our level of success. It may be that we are seeking to raise funds for a cause we believe in like I do each year with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Each year I write down I will be a Star Supporter and I will raise at least $1500 and for the past 8 years this has come to fruition. MY website for this year is This year I relay in memory of my mother, Judith Miller, who GOD called home on July 5, 2012. I was asked recently JDOGG how do you stay so motivated in the face of the adversity that you have faced. My answer was I have many tools like music, positive quotes, memories of my mother like the Easter Dollars that I have not spent and the card that reads Love Mama Bunny that I looked at today and it allowed me to see that though my mom is gone I am loved.  There are many tools available to help you build on you motivation.

1: Quotes and Affirmations are a good way to set you on a course to stay motivated.


2: Books such as Mo and Get Off Your Attitude along with others will assist you in staying positive and motivated


3: Videos can be a great source for Motivation

As you continue on your path of spiritual and personal development may you continue to build motivation to reach all your goals and objectives.


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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