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Spiritual Awakening: How To Create Synergy!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: How To Create Synergy!!!


Many times I am asked JDOGG How do you create synergy? My answer is always that you create synergy by being in alignment with your inner self that allows the authentic to come out. The idea of synergy truly can transcend your personal and professional life as you begin to find projects and relationships that fit your core beliefs and resonate with you helping to make the mind, body, soul connection. Synergistic relationships are developed over time as you begin to be of service and value to others. You begin to attract people into your life who can assist you and in return will be assisted.  An example of this occurred on 10/16/12 as I was announcing The Lauderhill Broncos Youth Football Game  as I went from the press box to the concessions area and was greeted by an official who wanted my business card for a possible emcee engagement.  The universe will conspire to deliver synery to you the moment you take action.


Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Create Synergy

1: Meditation is a great way to find synergy and get clear messages the following video will help you to find synergy

2: Exercise can assist in your quest to find synergy as you get your body healthy the mind and soul becomes healthy and thus you can find synergy and thus have success in all you do.

3: Reading and applying what you have read can lead to you finding synergy.

4: Many times music can help you to get centered and grounded and you can find synergy through the song.

5: Quotes and Affirmations are good tools to help you create synergy



6: Movies often will help you to find synergy. A great source for movies to assist you in your desire to create synergy is The Spiritual Cinema Circle.

In life as in sports when we have synergy we find success.


Spiritual Awakening: Creating Synergy

In all you do you can create synergy by looking inside and find those who you will be synergistic with. The keys to success is creativity, communication, and collaboration. When you collaborate and find synergistic relationships you will become a champion. Look for ways to create synergy.

1: Surround Yourself With People Who Are Encouraging

2: Find People That Share Your Beliefs

3: Be Of Service and Value

4: Share Your Story

5: Write Down Your Goals

6: Seek Assistance

7: Pray

8: Take Action Everyday

9: Show Gratitude

10: Walk Your Talk

When there is synergy there is often success.

 When we begin to find the things inside that make us come alive and we share them in creating synergistic relationships we enhance our personal and professional lives.

   Knute Rockne created synergy with his teams at Notre Dame. The sign is the locker room is seen as players leave the locker room to take the field at Notre Dame Stadium. I use football as an analogy for success with synergy because when a team executes properly and plays together they have a great chance to win.

I close with this song in hope that you will find synergy and success in all you do.


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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