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Spiritual Awakening: Be Prince Charming!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Be Prince Charming!!!


Prince_Charming_Shrek_the_Third.jpgI receive Conversations With GOD from Neale Donald Walsh on a daily basis. These daily missives of God Wants You To Know have helped in my spiritual growth as they serve as a  great reminder that I and all those I come in contact are part of something much larger than ourselves.  Today this is what I received:

neale-donald-walsch.jpgI believe God wants you to know…

…that you can live a charmed life, and that there is a
formula by which you can make this work.

Here is the formula: You can live a charmed life by
causing others to live a charmed life. That is, be the
source of ‘charm’ — of charming moments and
experiences — in the life of another.

Be everyone else’s Lucky Charm! Make all who you
touch today feel ‘lucky’ that you crossed their path.
Do this for a week and watch things change. Do it
for a month and you’ll be a different person.

Love, Your Friend …

 When   we become the person that makes others happy we begin to grow and flourish and thus we create a better understanding of our spiritual calling. In being like Prince Charming and taking action to pursue our goals and dreams with a sense of passion and purpose we set in motion awesome vibrations that resonate with those who can assist us in achieving our vision. When we throw caution to the wind and say regardless of what may happen I am going for it. When we are grateful for the opportunity and detach from the outcome and just simple let things flow we generally achieve a greatness that we could never have imagined.


 The other day I went to and through NIKEID designed this sneaker to wear at my Relay For Life. The right side says BEAT and the left side says CANCER. As I was discussing the sneaker and showing people the photo I got the idea to contact NIKE and suggest they make the sneaker available to the general public. Today I took action and called NIKE Customer Service and told the lady about my idea to have NIKE Produce and sell the sneakers and give a percentage of the proceeds to The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. She loved the idea and said she would buy a pair. She took the information and said she would forward it to the right people. She gave me the world headquarters number for NIKE and guess what I called it and was put through to The Community Impact Person. I left her a message. LIke Prince Charming has his quest and pursued it we must have our quest and pursue it with relentlessness as  we can achieve our visions if we take action and eliminate that which is holding us back. People may have told me that I was crazy and NIKE will never go for this. My answer is you don’t know until you take action and ask. Look inside and ask yourself what is it that is stopping me from taking action. My mindset was what is the worst NIKE will say, we are not interested. You never know until you take action.

... Doreen’s oracle cards, including the specialty focus of each cardWhen you are like Prince Charming and have a goal in mind and take action to reach that goal the results are incredible. I was on FACEBOOK a few weeks ago and I reached out to Doreen Virtue for some products to use in a Chance Drawing for my Relay For Life and she referred me to her publicist at Hay House.I emailed the publicist and the publicist ased what i was looking for.My answer was anything you can send. About a week later there was a package at my door with over $800 worth of Doreen Virtue Products. I did the same with Dr. Wayne Dyer and Louis Hay and they send items. I asked Serena Dyer and Sonia Choquette and they sent items. The idea is to be like Prince Charming and seek the connection.  When your vision is clear and the blockages are removed it is amazing what can happen. Again ask yourself what is stopping you from pursuing your quest.


Spiritual Awakening: Ways to Be Like Prince Charming!!!

Eliminate Fear by facing everything and rising. Do not allow doubters and naysayers or the negative self talk hold you back. Be a warrior and embrace the adventure that awaits on your spiritual path.
Live with abandon and put you trust in GOD and you will be guided along your path and closer to achieving your vision.  Do not allow what others think or say hold you back.
Remove the shackles and break the chains that may have imprisoned you in the past and stopped you from moving forward in your personal and professional life. Praise GOD for the talents he has given you and use them to achieve your vision. Each day break the chains and say today I will step into my power and achieve greatness then watch what happens.

Never Give Up!!!  Jim Valvano delivered a moving speech at The ESPYS as The First Recipient of The Arthur Ashe Courage Award that teaches us valuable lessons to help us be like Prince Charming.

Spiritual Awakening: JDOGG’S Gift To Help You Be Like Prince Charming!!!

 Today remember to stay positive!!! Namaste!!!


Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Essential Oils Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Are You Engaged?

Spiritual Awakening: Are You Engaged?

When one hears the word engagement they usually conjure up the image of a ring or two people who are planning to get married. Some will go to the extreme of thinking about the rules of engagement as it pertains to battles in war. Others will go right to the concept of engaging their audience so as to maximize their message. Where did you go when you saw this question?  I personally thought about the spiritual awakening process and went tot he idea of being engaged with my inner divinity, the ascended masters, and GOD. I thought for a moment about how I am engaged with my divine purpose and calling and who I may be engaging with to assist me with finding my purpose so as to enhance my spiritual development.  The answer was simple I am using my gifts to find those whose stories will resonate not only with me but with others, Through the spiritual awakening process I have found that my calling is to be of service and value and I must engage with those who share the same vision of sharing the concept that service to humanity is the best work of life. While attending a Singles Expo yesterday (12/23/2014) I cam across many who share the philosophy of being of service and value. One of the ladies doing Psychic Readings and I began to engage and as I told her that she probably sagged her area, picked an oracle card from Doreen Virtue showed up early to create a sacred space for those she was going to read for she said stop you are scaring me. I said don’t worry I have some gifts too and together we can help one another. Her friend seemed to be dealing with some angst and I took her hand and was able to sense that she was holding some stress about The Thanksgiving Holiday. It turns out I was correct and she asked me how I knew and I said I just asked the angels and this is what they told me. She took my card and gave me hers and gave me a big hug and thanked me.  These encounters showed me how important it is to be engaged in all you do.

The Importance of Employee Engagement – MacLeod ReportWhen you begin to get out into the community and share your gifts with others by simply engaging them and showing them you care you begin to awaken more and more spiritually and thus you are able to come alive and help others to do the same. So many times we back off from engaging in dialogue that we miss out on great opportunities. Many allow the fear of no or  receiving an adverse reaction to stop them from engaging with others. I have learned through the spiritual awakening process that engagement and focus are keys to enhancing your personal and professional life while also helping other people to excel. When you are engaged with someone make sure you make it more about them than about yourself and that you encourage them. When you hear them say I can’t remind them that they can and they will because the moving forward in the direction of their goal. When they use the word trying tell them to switch it I am doing.  Remember sometimes just the simple act of showing interest will change their outlook.  In many cases when you engage with someone and you share your why with them you both benefit. Remember people will be more receptive when they know your why as opposed to the what.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vibrations Vision

Spiritual Awakening: Listen To Your Inner Voice

Spiritual Awakening: Listen To Your Inner Voice!!!!

As I sat at Starbucks preparing to write this blog entry I overheard people speaking about seminars and the work they do my inner voice directed me to go to my car get my business cards and introduce myself to them. I did and they complimented me on my voice. This led me to write this entry to encourage you to listen to the inner voice that leads you in a positive direction. This inner voice or divinity will lead you to many successes. It is when we begin to shut out the negative self talk and shift from the stinking thinking to the positiveand empowering self talk that we begin to become more spiritually awake and realize that we have amazing power within us to be great. Many  times  people miss out on opportunities to step into their greatness because they are so busy listening to the nay sayers and allowing their negative self talk get in the way. Today I encourage you to eliminate that negative talk and listen to the positive inner voice telling you that you can do it.

   Being open to receive messages and taking action will lead to success, I often say what the mind can conceive, and the heart can believe, you can achieve.  I have many examples of when my inner voice has led me to success. It was at the those times that I chose to step back, breathe, and then do. It is when you make the mind, body, and soul connection that you begin to tune in more and more to the inner voice that guides you in a positive direction. It is when you just allow things to flow and don’t sit in judgement and just do what you are guided to do that you will find more successes.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Neale Donald Walsh Inspires Positive Shift

Spiritual Awakening: Neale Donald Walsh Inspires Positive Shift!!!!

     Every day I get a missive from Neale Donald Walsh titled On This Day GOD Wants You To Know and each day I take a moment to read and digest the message. Today’s message …that if you  become ruffled with every comment that you consider a ‘slight,’ you will never find peace, really hit home as I have been taking people’s lack of interest in and personally so I took a deep breathe and made a commitment to myslef to start to shif things and realize that not everyone is going to resonate with what I am doing and that it is okay and that those that will support the efforts will appear. As I began to shift and focus on the more positive experiences I and realize that not every not interested or negative comment is a bad thing that it is actually a good thing as it gives me a chance to move on and keep moving in the positive direction of my dreams.  I then began to look at how am I presenting myself and my ideas to others and how are my vibrations. As I beagn to reflect and realize that each tie I interact with someone it is a chance to share and that if they are meant to buy and ad or make a donation or use my services then they will and if they are not then the person that is will appear.  It is when you leave it up to GOD and take action on his answers that you find the most success.

Action Takers Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Feelings Finishing Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Success Synergy Talents Vision

Spiritual Awakening: How To Create Synergy!!!

Spiritual Awakening: How To Create Synergy!!!


Many times I am asked JDOGG How do you create synergy? My answer is always that you create synergy by being in alignment with your inner self that allows the authentic to come out. The idea of synergy truly can transcend your personal and professional life as you begin to find projects and relationships that fit your core beliefs and resonate with you helping to make the mind, body, soul connection. Synergistic relationships are developed over time as you begin to be of service and value to others. You begin to attract people into your life who can assist you and in return will be assisted.  An example of this occurred on 10/16/12 as I was announcing The Lauderhill Broncos Youth Football Game  as I went from the press box to the concessions area and was greeted by an official who wanted my business card for a possible emcee engagement.  The universe will conspire to deliver synery to you the moment you take action.


Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Create Synergy

1: Meditation is a great way to find synergy and get clear messages the following video will help you to find synergy

2: Exercise can assist in your quest to find synergy as you get your body healthy the mind and soul becomes healthy and thus you can find synergy and thus have success in all you do.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Greatness Inspiration Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Success Talents The Journey Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Slow Down And Enjoy The Moment

Spiritual Awakening: Slow Down And Enjoy The Moment

 Today’s blog entry was inspired by this Simon and Garfunkel song Feeling Groovy as I began to realize how important it is to slow down and enjoy the moment. It is very importnat to be an action taker and to move forward in a positive direction with all that you, however you also must realize that there comes a time to slow down and relish the moment. Imagine finding out that you were selected to be part of a book, you write your chapter and then you wonder what is next instead of taking it in and writing in your gratitude journal that today I am grateful for the opportunity to share with others to help them excel. Many times we get so caught up in the what is next that we forget what we have done.

 It is when we are relaxed and that we take time to reflect the moments that we achieved greatness that we truly can move forward. What moments of greatness have you not had a time to celebrate as you kept wondering what is next.  The idea is take time to celebrate and cherish the moment before you move on the the next thing.