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Spiritual Awakening: Neale Donald Walsh Inspires Positive Shift

Spiritual Awakening: Neale Donald Walsh Inspires Positive Shift!!!!

     Every day I get a missive from Neale Donald Walsh titled On This Day GOD Wants You To Know and each day I take a moment to read and digest the message. Today’s message …that if you  become ruffled with every comment that you consider a ‘slight,’ you will never find peace, really hit home as I have been taking people’s lack of interest in and personally so I took a deep breathe and made a commitment to myslef to start to shif things and realize that not everyone is going to resonate with what I am doing and that it is okay and that those that will support the efforts will appear. As I began to shift and focus on the more positive experiences I and realize that not every not interested or negative comment is a bad thing that it is actually a good thing as it gives me a chance to move on and keep moving in the positive direction of my dreams.  I then began to look at how am I presenting myself and my ideas to others and how are my vibrations. As I beagn to reflect and realize that each tie I interact with someone it is a chance to share and that if they are meant to buy and ad or make a donation or use my services then they will and if they are not then the person that is will appear.  It is when you leave it up to GOD and take action on his answers that you find the most success.