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Spiritual Awakening: 12/14/12 Connecticut Shooting Holds Valuable Lesson?

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Spiritual Awakening: 12/14/12 Connecticut Shooting Holds Valuable Lesson!!!!

  At least 26 people were killed in a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, an official said. The gunman, who is dead, was reportedly the son of a teacher at the school read the first line of a news story today. Then all the comments came in across the social media with the ususal questions what makes someone especially a son do this,  how could GOD allow this to happen, what can we do to help, and what is the lesson in this?

We may never know why a son would shhot and kill his Mom. As many of you who read this blog regularly know I recently lost my mom on July 5, 2012 as she was called home by GOD after she suffered a massive heart attack and a day doesn’t go by that I wish I had one more hour just to share. I did manage to find a bit of irony in the photo as The Dunkin Donuts cup says joy and finding joy in the face of this tragedy will be the toughest thing for the community to face.

 We can only specualte why a loving, caring, mercilus GOD, would allow for a tagic event like this to happen. Maybe he allowed this to happen because he was sending us a message to cherish our lives for they can be taken at anytime. Maybe it was that we need to put down all weapons and begin to be compassionate and loving towards eachother. If there is a lesson to be learned at all God gives us life and then takes our life when a purpose has been fufilled.  Now there are 26 angels in heaven watching over us and reminding us that we need to begin showing love and compassion to each other.  Please take a moment today to pray and then if you have children please take a moment to hug them even if it takes a virtual hug. Let us be kind to one another  and begin to heal those who maybe hurting.

 We can all help by taking action by showing love and compassion to all those affected by this tragic event. Wouldn’t it be nice if Sandy Hook Elementary received cards from across the country  along with donations to start scholarships in honor of those lost to this tragedy.  It is tough to find a lesson from this tragic event but what we can learn as sad as it is we need to secure our schools.

Spiritual Awakening: Music To Soothe The Hurt

Many times through tragic events we find solace in song. Here are some songs that I hope will heal those hurting from this tragedy.

Eric Clapton – Tears In Heaven by eozbay

Perhaps the other lesson that GOD is sending through this tragic event is for us to turn to our spiritual teachings and connect with others.


As you begin and end your day cherish the moments that you have as the tragedy of today shows us that life can be taken from us at any moment.

Loss of Mother Poem
Now that I am gone, remember me with smiles and laughter. And if you need to cry, cry with your brother or sister who walks in grief beside you. And when you need me, put your arms around anyone and give to them what you need to give to me. There are so many who need so much. I want to leave you something — something much better than words or sounds. Look for me in the people I’ve known or helped in some special way. Let me live in your heart as well as in your mind. You can love me most by letting your love reach out to our loved ones, by embracing them and living in their love. Love does not die, people do. So, when all that’s left of me is love, give me away as best you can.
~ Author unknown

May we remember all those lost and pray for all those left behind.

    As candles are lit and roses are laid to honor those that passed let us hold the beauty of life close to us and share our life with others making a spiritual connection that will awaken a spirit of hope and healing across the world.

 As we begin to look at the events of today let us find solace in knowing that we are given life to be of service and value to all we meet and that through faith, hope, and healing that we can make the world a better place for those we connect with.  Take time to be kind to  today.


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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