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Spiritual Awakening: 12/14/12 Connecticut Shooting Holds Valuable Lesson?

Spiritual Awakening: 12/14/12 Connecticut Shooting Holds Valuable Lesson!!!!

  At least 26 people were killed in a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary, an official said. The gunman, who is dead, was reportedly the son of a teacher at the school read the first line of a news story today. Then all the comments came in across the social media with the ususal questions what makes someone especially a son do this,  how could GOD allow this to happen, what can we do to help, and what is the lesson in this?

We may never know why a son would shhot and kill his Mom. As many of you who read this blog regularly know I recently lost my mom on July 5, 2012 as she was called home by GOD after she suffered a massive heart attack and a day doesn’t go by that I wish I had one more hour just to share. I did manage to find a bit of irony in the photo as The Dunkin Donuts cup says joy and finding joy in the face of this tragedy will be the toughest thing for the community to face.