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Spiritual Awakening: Live Life On Your Terms!!!

As I sat in a presentation from Legal Shield in heard the speaker talk about living life on your own terms and it really resonated with me as it reminded me of the spiritual path I have chosen to take. In living my life on my terms and doing it my way I have had ups and downs. I have experienced the loss of my MOM on July 5, 2012 and my DAD on June 7, 2018 and the one thing that I am grateful for is that I allowed me to live my life on my own terms. They might not have always understood the decisions I made but they allowed me to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually on my own terms. In living life on my own terms I have learned so much like making sure that if you have an elderly parent that they have a will and that you are included on all important documents such as deeds to property, bank accounts, and any other assets that they have. I also learned to make sure they have their final arrangements taken care of so that you have peace of mind and do not incur a major expense when they are called home to GOD.

In understanding that this is your life and it is yours to live ion your terms as directed by GOD you will be able to tune into your Divine Guidance System and create the life that you desire. As you enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life you will see that living on your own terms may create challenges thus you will want to ask the question of how does this serve my higher self. In serving your higher self you will begin to see more peace,love, joy, and prosperity in your life. There will be times of struggle so just remember if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. In the last 7 months I have been dealing with many situations that I never saw myself in like having to make a mortgage payment, and paying off a home equity loan as a result of my DAD passing and me needing a roof over my head. I have reached out to help and set up a page at and have had a few people step up. In August of 2018 I had one person step up in a big way to help me and I am grateful that this person walked in his truth and supported me in the manner in which he did. I have asked many others to please use my services as a PA Announcer, an Emcee, a Voice Over Talent or to book a consultation with me and am grateful for those who have stepped up to use my services. There are many out there who could have helped but have not for whatever reason they may have. I have come to learn that there are two types of people in life excuse makers or action takers. You must determine which category you will fall into so as to live life on your terms.

Be Bold And Live Life On Your Own Terms!!!

It is when you commit to living on your own terms and decide to be of service and value to others that your life will change. There will be trials and tribulations thus remember you have the power to change the things you can and accept the things you can not and the wisdom to know the difference. It is in removing the people and things that no longer serve you that you make progress.

As you begin to live life on your own terms you will want to live out loud and walk in your truth. You will encounter doubters, haters, and naysayeers so it is important to ignore them and live your life on your terms. It is also important to also stop your own negative self talk. When you commit to living life on your own terms and move in a positive direction toward your goals and dreams you will find yourself feeling more fulfilled. Make today the day you start living life on your own terms. Namaste!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: 2019 A Year Of Empowerment And Inspiration!!!

The clock struck midnight and a new year was upon us. As I sat in reflection I decided tom declare that 2019 would be a year of empowerment and inspiration. I sat in meditation listening to Cat Stevens and realized that each day we have 86,400 minutes each time a new day starts and it is up to us how we can use them. As I have experienced a spiritual awakening I have come to realize that there is a time to rest and reflect and there is a time to take action. I have also come to realize that the only persons actions I can control are my own. In coming to this realization I have decided to focus on being of service and value to others and finding others who believe that service to humanity is the best work of life to join me in making 2019 a year of inspiration and empowerment. You will notice that I brought back JDOGG’S Person Of The Week so as to inspire others to find ways to make a positive impact in the lives of others while also enhancing their personal, professional, and spiritual life. I have also discovered that one must walk in their truth and become transparent so that everyone sees your authentic self and not some facade that society dictates. In speaking your truth and being empowered and inspired you may upset some people as they are not ready to hear the truth. Such was the case today (1/3/2019) as I went to make a payment on a home equity loan that my DAD left behind when he was called home to GOD on June 7,2018. I simply wanted to pay the regular payment amount and use the overage toward the principle and since I was passed due and not on the account they could not do this on the branch level so I let the teller know this is why after this loan is paid off I will not be doing business with Chase. It is important for you to stand up for yourself. I also learned that it imperative to be included on all of your parents accounts so that if they pass without a will you will have what you need to take care of any financial obligations that they may leave behind. I have set up a donation page at if anyone wants to make a love donation thus giving me a home base to work from as I make 2019 A Year Of Inspiration and Empowerment.

As I left the bank I realized that the first step to becoming empowered and inspired is to understand that all we are are dust in the wind. We came into this world as dust and we leave this world as dust. All that will be left when GOD calls us home is the answer to the question of how did you live your dash. I have written many times that at the end of the day there are only 2 questions that need to be answered in the affirmative and they are did you live the day in joy and did you bring joy others today. If you can say yes to those two questions you will have had a good day making your 86,400 minutes count.

As I was writing this blog today (1/3/2019) I began to get a grip on the idea that in order to make 2019 A Year Of Empowerment and Inspiration it was up to me to come from a position of love. It is important to have self love and then to transfer our love to others. This can be done by saying a prayer for the person with the sign will work for food or purchasing food for that person if you are in a position to do so. You can simply smile at someone and wish them a good day, or you can thank someone for their service. The possibilities to show love and gratitude are endless.

Gratitude is a very powerful tool to have in your spiritual tool box as it will help you to make 2019 A Year Of Empowerment and Inspiration. Each day find something to be grateful for and write down what it is in a gratitude journal and when you are challenged to make 2019 A Year Of Empowerment and Inspiration look in the journal and allow yourself to get back to being centered ,focused, and grounded. It is through our spiritual awakening that we can make 2019 A Year Of Empowerment and Inspiration. NAMASTE!!!

Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Keep Believing!!!

       In our quest to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually it is easy to get off our path and to stop believing as we get inundated with negativity at times and we wonder how we are going to turn things around. We have a tendency to get caught up in CNN (Constantly Negative News) which can feed a downward spiral and it is up to us to stop the negativity before we spiral out of control. The holiday season can be very tough for people to keep their faith as they struggle with all types of emotions that can feed the monster known as negativity. In order to stop the negativity you must buy into the concept that things will get better. After you internalize the idea that things will get better you should take action to make them them better. It is when you believe in yourself and tap into your inner divinity that you can move forward in a positive direction toward your dreams. It is when you don’t stop believing that you can turn what seems to be the darkest moment in your life into something bright. I have often written in this blog that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. In believing and not giving up you will see that everything works out as you put your faith in GOD, Spirit, Source, The Angels,  and The Ascended Masters. When you allow yourself to believe and to be guided by the higher powers you will begin to manifest the life that you desire.  In many cases you have to have the eye of tiger and simply walk in your truth.

    In having the eye of the tiger you will see that believing in yourself is easier and the more you continue to work on becoming your best authentic self you will see that you can rise up and conquer everything. This week I will conquer the loneliness that I am experiencing due tot he fact that this is my first Thanksgiving without my DAD who was called home to GOD on June 7, 2018. We used to go out together for Thanksgiving  after watching some football. Yes, I will miss that but I also know that I will have the opportunity to reflect and be grateful for the time that I did have with my DAD. I will be able to keep believing that he is now one of my many angels watching over me. On Thursday I will get up and watch The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and will be reminded of all the good times I had with my DAD. I may be alone in my human existence at that moment but I will be surrounded by the angels who watch over me and who will help me to keep believing that I am on this earth to create a legacy of hope and healing. Through adversity comes triumph as long as you keep believing.

  When I feel like my belief is wandering  I turn to music like this and am reminded that I am a divine child of GOD and GOD wants me to step into my power and to be of service and value to others. When the world we are being exposed to gets to be too much I turn off the TV and all the negativity and take a walk in nature reconnecting to GOD, Jesus, Source, and Spirit and find that I get back on track to believing. In trusting that the plans that GOD has for me are far greater than my own I have been able to conquer dark moments fraught with negativity and make them positive. We all have the ability to come out of the dark and to become beacons of light that will illuminate the world one person at a time. As a result of shining your light you will inspire and empower others to do the same and before you know it what was once a dark place becomes a place of enlightenment.

    When you come out of the dark by believing that you are here for a purpose you will find yourself attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. You will find the negativity that creates blockages in your life being unblocked as you have the light of the lord working in you so that you can show the world that service to humanity is the best work of life. 

  As you continue to believe reflect back on your life in 2018 and all the good that has happened and use that as fuel to propel you to have a better 2019. Take a moment to reflect on the challenges and use them as lessons to continue to believe  and to grow personally, spiritually, and professionally.  May you continue to believe and accomplish all that you were meant to accomplish. Namaste!!!

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift Spiritual Seduction Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Win In The End!!!

     Many will recognize this song from Teenwolf a movie where Michael J. Fox’s learns to channel his anger for good and as a result he wins in the end. How many times along your spiritual journey have you been moved to anger only recognizing that getting angry is like wrestling a pig in the mud you both get dirty but the pig enjoys it. If you can manage your anger and realize that taking the high road and keeping calm in the face of adversity you will win in the end. As I have experienced a spiritual awakening I have found that it is better to stay calm and take action to solve a challenge than it is to get angry and walk away as when you do the later the issue still persists.  Last night at The Don’t Get Spooked By Cancer Night at Hooters I encountered a situation where one of the attendees got mad and left as I asked them not to put up The Donald Trump Mannequin as I wanted to make sure that no one would be offended as our society has become ultra sensitive and I did not want any negativity cast toward the charity. I was a bit disappointed by this gentleman’s actions as I thought my request was reasonable and I asked in a polite fashion. On the other end of the spectrum one gentleman donated $30 for chance drawing tickets and when he won The Eli Manning Replica Superbowl Ring gave a $20 donation, He then won the gift basket and gave another $20 donation. Another patron gladly donated $20 for tickets and won some prizes in the chance drawing. In the end the charity won as $165 was raised through donations and the chance drawing. Hooters is sending their donation. The lesson I learned was do not let one negative action take away from all the positives and to focus of the positive because when you focus on the positive you win in the end. The best part was when I arrived home there was a signed football from Larry Little sent to me by The NFL to use in the chance drawing at The Points For The Cure Football Edition Party on Sunday November 4 at Uncle Al’s Sports Cafe in Sunrise. As I prepared for bed last night I realized that if you continue to take action and walk in your truth you will win in the end.

     If you are going to win in the end and enhance your personal, professional, and spiritual life you must be a warrior and commit to never giving up. Along your journey you will face obstacles and you may want to forget everything and run. At those times rest and take a breath and then decide that you will face everything and rise and you will win in the end.  As a warrior you will need to detach from outcomes and simply go with the flow of the universe by letting go and letting GOD. I have found that since my spiritual awakening that when I detach from expectations and simply accept things as they unfold I attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. In the past I would worry about who didn’t attend an event instead of being grateful for those who did attend now I concentrate on those who have attended and am grateful for there presence. I have come to use the serenity prayer to keep me centered, focused, and grounded so that I win in the end.

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You Have The Power To Make A Difference


   I can not change how someone reacts to me but I can control how I react to their reaction. In the past I would get upset and angry when someone would get angry at me now I simply remain calm and realize that it is more about them and their feelings than it is about me. I have come to understand that I am not going to resonate with everyone but those that I do resonate with will be attracted to me and help me with my effort to be of service and value to others. The key to winning in the end is to take all your spiritual teachings and apply them so that you create a life filled with bliss and abundance. Many times it is as simple as getting back to the basics so you can win in the end.

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Lessons To Help You Win In The End

  One of the greatest gifts that my mother gave me prior to her being called home to GOD was Don Miguel Ruiz’s Book The Four Agreements. When times get tough I pull it out and remind myself of these four agreements and as a result I win in the end.  May you continue to grow as you progress on your spiritual journey. Namaste!!! 

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Spiritual Awakening: Get Back Up!!!

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This was an opportunity that many missed!!!

    As I left Skyline Chili On October 17 after no one showed up to take advantage of the opportunity to learn how to strengthen their brand and increase their revenue I was a bit down and wondered what more do I have to do to get people to attend events that I host. This feeling continued on October 22 after I hosted a Give Back Night at Bru’s Room located in The Sunrise West Plaza. In the last few months I have worked really hard to host events and had poor turn outs that made me want to simply quit my volunteer work with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise and to stop offering workshops as I had this reoccurring thought that perhaps I am not the person people want to follow. Then on Wednesday 10/24 I was the announcer for The Cardinal Gibbons Chiefs JV Football Game and after the game I had so many parents come up to me to tell me how great I did that I realized it was time to get up. I arrived home and I really wished my DAD was still alive so I could share with him the highlights of the game and that I felt a sense of appreciation. At that moment I sat in prayer and the overwhelming message I received was that it was time to get up and move forward on my spiritual journey and continue to be of service and value to others. 

As I sat down to write this blog entry I realized it was time to get up off of that thing that was interfering with my personal, professional, and spiritual growth. That thing was focusing on the negative instead of looking at the positive. As I thought more and more about how I felt knocked down I realized I was knocked down and not out and if i could look up I could get up. It was in this moment that I began to understand that it is important to take the good with the bad and then release the bad while learning from it and continue on the path to do more good.  It took much introspection and reflection to work from feeling sorry for myself and defeated to get back to feeling good about all I was doing and being victorious. 

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Hope Prevails!!!

    On of the things that helped me to get back up was looking at this photo. It is of Lacey Jerome who is 4 years old and a cancer survivor. She has had 4 brain surgeries and 10 other surgeries resulting from the complications from cancer. She is now cancer free and she threw out the first pitch at The Strike Out Cancer Day with The Sunrise Sharks Travel Baseball Team. Being the announcer for that moment is a reminder that I have had more positive things happen on my journey than negative and to focus on the joy that I have been part of. One of the Life Coaches that I know, Shantel Springer taught me a few years ago to always get up and to be grateful for those who show up to support your endeavors and to understand that the people that are meant to be there will be there. In coming to understand that as an action taker there will be some downs but there will be many ups has helped me to get up after feeling down.

 As I was seeking material to encourage the readers of this blog to get up the universe conspired to help me and sent me this song by Jonas Blue. It is important for all of us to continue to rise until we fall and when we fall we need to dust ourselves off and rise up again. As I sat in reflection and looked back at all the great things that I have been part of over the last 45 years I realized just how capable I am and that if people don’t get me it is okay for I simply need to keep getting up and continue to step into my power and use it to shine my light and illuminate the world. 

    One of the things that I have found to help get back up is music. As you continue to move forward in a positive direction of your dreams it is important to see yourself as being on top of the world.   Sometimes it takes a setback to help prepare you for a step up. In loss we learn important lessons that will help us to get back up. 

   One way to get back up is to rekindle the fire that lies inside of you and allow it to burn so you can continue to get back up after being knocked down. As long as their is a burning ember in your heart you can fan the flames and reach to heights that you never imagined as long as you keep getting back up.  There will be challenges along the way but remember GOD will never give what GOD knows you can not handle. GOD wants you to stay up and to be prosperous so you can prosper others. I have come to grips with the fact that their are those I will encounter who will not be attracted to the projects that I am involved in but there are many that will be and that I should take great solace in the knowledge that through out my time on earth I have made a positive impact on many and that I should always get back up because I am capable of achieving great things. I hope this entry will help you to get back up if you are facing challenges as you are a divine child of GOD and GOD doesn’t make any junk. Namaste!!!

Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening Award Winners calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Essential Oils Facts of Life Fearless Painting Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Bank Account Spiritual Destinations Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Stones and Crystals Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Getting Into The Pink!!!

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Help Plant The Seeds Of Hope And Healing For Cancer Patients, Their Families, and Their Friends. Http://
All ribbons give hope to those touched by cancer

    As I sat and watched NFL Football last week and saw all the Crucial Catch promotions I was filled with a sense of  pride knowing that my 19 year involvement with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life was a small part in the effort to have people get screened for cancer as early detection saves live. As I saw more and more pink and then the other colors of the rainbow I started to think about the spiritual significance of the color pink. As I began to get more and more aware and awake relating to the color pink I started to understand why I felt the way I did when I donned my pink shirt the other day.


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    Pink, a delicate color that means sweet, nice, playful, cute, romantic, charming, feminine, and tenderness, is associated with bubble gum, flowers, babies, little girls, cotton candy, and sweetness. The color pink is the color of universal love of oneself and of others. As I sat in meditation thinking about the color pink it occurred to me why I was so drawn to pink and why it was chosen to represent breast health month. 

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In getting into the pink you will find yourself making a solid mind, body, and soul connection.
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Carry Pink Sapphire to create balance in your personal and professional life.

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Attract Peace and Love into your life by carrying Morganite with you.

 I have witnessed a lot of pink over the past few days and each time I see it I feel a rise in my vibration and I begin to feel more energy to move forward in my quest to be of service and value to others. As I continue to see pink it reminds me that as a spiritual being I need to be leaving a legacy of hope and healing for others. In committing to be a voice of hope for others I have found that I attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. As I continue to receive messages from GOD and take action upon them as it relates to getting into the pink I find myself accomplishing some amazing things. I encourage people to start to get into the pink and to use the power of this color to enhance their personal and professional life.

Being in the pink has come to mean being healthy and having a rosy glow. There is another meaning that will take you in an entire different direction so we won’t get into that know. In an effort to get into the pink you will need to make a few choices in your life that at first may seem challenging however if you remember that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. It is important to remember that GOD wants you healthy so you can prosper and thus prosper others. 

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Become a blooming flower by being spiritually awake so as to create the life you desire.

   Just as a flower blooms you to are blooming so as to show your beauty as you continue to shine your light and illuminate the world. As you continue on your spiritual path remember to get into the pink.  As you get into the pink you will find yourself manifesting everything you desire to create a life filled with bliss and abundance.

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Follow the pink path to find your true calling.

      May your journey into the pink be one that allows you to reach incredible heights where compassion and kindness will rule the day allowing you to make a joyful noise as you continue to get in tune with your inner divinity. Namaste!!!

Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Emotions Essential Oils Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Get Fresh!!!

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Get Fresh with your spirituality

     You may be wondering what gum may have to do with the spiritual awakening process well today is all about being fresh in mind, body, and soul. As gum freshens up your mouth and gives you a cleansing feeling you gain a sense of confidence so that you can speak your truth and continue to evolve in your personal, professional, and spiritual life. As gum cleanses your mouth and freshens your mouth meditation will cleanse and freshen your mind. In cleansing out the negativity and focusing on the positive you are able to clean and clear blockages that may have been stopping you from reaching your full potential. In many cases it is just a matter of making a commitment to GET FRESH!!!. I know that when I feel clean in my mind and body that I vibrate at a higher frequency and thus achieve more than I expected. In cleansing my personal spaces with a bit of sage and essential oils I find myself attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. I also find that when I take the extra time to take care of myself that I am able to function at a higher level and thus act on the messages that GOD is sending thus creating bliss and abundance in my life. Yes there have been times of sadness and anger along my journey however when these occurrences happen I simply look to GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and  The Angels for guidance to help me get fresh and cleans away any negative thoughts that may hinder me and stifle me from becoming a evolved spiritual being.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help You Get Fresh!!!

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Turn to the lord and you will be rewarded

     I have found that one of the great tools to getting fresh is to strengthen your relationship with Jesus as everything is possible through Christ who strengthens us. In times of trial and tribulation and in joy and happiness it is important to stay connected to Christ and understand that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. In all that you do stay connected to your source and step into your power as guided by GOD to achieve your greatness which is your birthright. 

Remember that the fruits of spirit will guide you along your spiritual path

     Bible verses will serve you as they will help to answer your questions and guide you along your path so that you can continue to move forward in a positive direction of your dream. I have found that understanding the fruits of spirit that I have the necessary tools to follow my spiritual journey as guided by GOD and to alleviate all obstacles that come my way. In realizing that if GOD is for me who can be against me I have been able to detach from outcomes and simply allow things to unfold as GOD wants them to in the course of the day. In accepting the fact that GOD’S plan for me is far greater than the plan I have for myself I have been able to get fresh and look at things from a fresh perspective. I have found that when I take a deep breath and look at things in a different way my whole attitude toward the situation changes and thus I am able to get fresh and continue to walk in my truth by being of service and value to others.

      I have found that soft music is a fantastic tool that allows you to get fresh as it assists in the spiritual awakening process by keeping you focused, centered, and grounded. Music with the proper frequency will allow you to tune into your inner divinity and thus create the life you desire despite any challenges that may come your way. In using music as a tool you will find that you clear blockages that have held you back and thus you are able to become more aware and awake.

Image result for You are Enough Dee Adio Moses

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I have found these two books to be great tools to get fresh along with the other books available by clicking on the links on this page. It is important to read and then apply what you have read so that you can stay fresh while on your spiritual journey. 

Spiritual Awakening: Getting Fresh: A Case Study!!!

Be The Change you want to see in this world.

      The other day I was a bit upset about the situation I was left in as my DAD passed on June 7, 2018. I was feeling all types of pressure as I haven’t had a full time job in over two years and I have been simply scrapping by and now I am faced with paying off a mortgage and a home equity loan totaling just over $40,000. I then took a deep breath and went outside to sit on the bench by the lake and think what am I going to do. I was given the message take everything one day at a time and it will all work out. Thus I turned the page and gained a fresh perspective. When I went to pay the mortgage I showed gratitude and was thankful that I was able to pay the initial payment and interest and have some left over to apply just to the principal. I then realized that GOD will provide and as long as I take action and give praise and glory to GOD that each day I can get fresh.  I have come to learn that when you let go and let GOD that good things will happen and that you can always get fresh. May you get fresh and attract much peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Namaste!!!

Action Takers Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: One Step At A Time!!!

Spiritual Awakening: One Step At A Time!!!

As one becomes more and more aware and awake through the spiritual awakening process it is important to take things one step at a time. It is imperative to not focus to much on the past as you can not change what happened you can only learn from the occurrences in the past. It is also essential to not focus to much on the future as you may not be able to control the outcome. This leaves you to focus on the present and to take the steps necessary to move forward in a positive direction of your dreams.  There will be times when you face some setbacks however you can take solace in knowing that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it.  As you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually you will find that everything you seek is being provided for you as the universe will conspire to make sure you are given every resource  to assist you in manifesting  the life you desire. As you take one step at at time you will become stronger and thus you will attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening Facts of Life Flow Gratitude Greatness Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Throw Your Troubles Away!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Throw Your Troubles Away!!!

As you experience a spiritual awakening it is important to throw your troubles away and understand that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. This was very evident this morning (8/8/2018) as I arrived at the bank to make a payment on a home equity loan that my DAD had and that I have assumed since his passing on June 7,2018. I had cash and the bank would not accept it as I was not on the account. I had to use mt debit card from my bank and then go to my bank to deposit the cash to cover the payment. as much as  this was inconvenient it was also a learning moment so that I can now share with the readers of this blog the importance of being listed on your parents accounts so that when they pass you can easily navigate the system. I also learned the importance of making sure that your parents have a will so that when they pass you can easily move forward and avoid the probate process. As I drove over to Starbucks to write this blog entry I just kept thinking that it is time to throw the troubles away and to take action to make things simpler and easier in life. It is time to go deep inside and tap into your inner divinity and truly be guided by GOD preparing to take action on the messages that are being sent your way. The key is to understand that you can only control yourself and not the policies and procedures of others. As much as their policies and procedures may affect you you must go with the flow and do the best you can with the tools that GOD has given you so that you can throw your troubles away. It is time to become unchained and face everything and rise.

Action Takers Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community

Spiritual Awakening: Keeping The Fire Burning!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Keeping The Fire Burning!!!

On Saturday (8/4/2018) I was out promoting The 2019 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise at The City Of Sunrise Back To School Round-Up. Things were going great and I was have a great time making contacts and sharing Relay For Life with others then bam heat exhaustion got the best of me. I was doing what I liked to do making videos and being of service and value and service to others and my fire was nearly put out. Thank you to the prompt and professional care of Sunrise Fire Rescue I was taken to their emergency vehicle and treated. I was given the all clear and told to go get blood work done, I drove home and thought despite this minor set back I had to keep my fire burning. Today (8/6/2018) I took action and went for the blood work so that I could take the appropriate measures to keep my fire burning.   I learned that the evil one may try to drag you down and take you away from what GOD has planned for you so it is important to stay strong and keep your fire burning. Since the beginning of time those with passion and fire in their heart have gone on to achieve great things just as GOD had intended for them.

You may not have started the fire but you can keep it burning by learning from the past so that you can live in the represent and plan for the future. On may occasions you simply have to get in tune with your inner divine guidance system and commit to keep the fire burning. As you continue to walk your spiritual path make it a point to set fire to the rain.