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Spiritual Awakening: Tom Cochrane Driving The Spiritual Highway

Spiritual Awakening: Tom Cochrane Driving The Spiritual Highway!!!

 Tom Cochrane inspired this post today with his song Life is a Highway. In the song he speaks about driving the highway of life and finding someone to share it with. He spoke of driving the highway all night long. This led me to think about how we are driving our spiritual highway and who or what we find along our spiritual highway as we continue on our path to spiritual awakening.  The spiritual awakening process starts as you begin your travels in acknowledgement that you are a divine child of GOD. This spiritual awakening continues as you become an action taker and continue your travels along the spiritual highway answering your calling by finding your purpose. The spiritual highway is filled with many detours and traffic and you begin to make a change in your personal and professionallife and you continue to make a mind, body, soul connection.

 Sometimes on your spiritual highway you may feel like Irene Cara’s character Coco Lopez from Fame out there on your own, however know that spirit is always with you guiding you along this spiritual path and protecting you. When you take the exits off of the spiritual highway know that you are not alone and that it is okay to show your emotions and that many feelings will be felt and it is okay to feel all of them. When you pull into that hotel off of the spiritual highway know that you have time to reflect and unwind and to rejuevenate for the next phase of your journey. Know that it is the alone time when you find the answers in the quiet. It is when we feel alone that we  find the oneness consciousness along our spiritual highway and discover that all we need is being provided for us by GOD.