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Spiritual Awakening: Up, Up, And Away!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Up, Up, And Away!!!

During the spiritual awakening process sometimes it is necessary to get another perspective or see things from a different vantage point. Think about what it would be like to look at things from above and how differently things would look when you were above them as opposed to below them. I remember a trip to The Empire State Building and how fearful I was of the height and how I was making every excuse not to get on the elevator to the observation tower when a friend said Jonathan take a deep breath hold my hand and we will go up, up, and away together. I got on that elevator with my eyes closed and as we ascended to the observation deck I began to open my eyes and I saw New York City from a totally different perspective and I realized then that when you look at the world with your eyes wide open that you gain a new appreciation for what you see and even overcome some fears. By being willing to go up, up, ad away with my friend I was able to apply the experience at The Empire State Building to my personal and professional life and when I found myself fearful I would simply say time to go up, up, and away. In using that as a mantra and an anthem I have been able to conquer several fears and thus face everything and rise instead of forgetting everything and running.  Each time I listen to The 5th Dimension Song Up, Up, and Away my mood becomes more pleasant and joyful and I think what would it be like to get in the Hot Air Balloon and just see the beauty of nature and life from the vantage point of that balloon. The closest I have  come to this has been on airplanes and flying has always been a bit difficult for me as I don’t like to give up control. In learning how to let things go and giving up control I have been able to see things from a different perspective. I recall my plane flight from San Francisco to Manila for my work as a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in The Philippines and arriving for a stop over in Tokyo as we approached Toyko’s Airport for landing I looked out the window and I saw some of the sacred temples and thought wow how great this is to be able to see these great historical structures and draw the positive energy from them. I didn’t venture outside the Tokyo Airport however as we were transferring planes I did stop at the gift shop and took in as much as I could to soak in the positive energy. I made it to the gate to board the plane for the final leg of the trip and all the while I get thinking how great this is that I get to go up, up, and away. As we made the final approach into Manila I looked out the window and I saw McDonald’s and thought well at least if I don’t enjoy the Filipino food I will have McDonald’s. We landed and quickly met our Filipino counterparts and claimed our luggage and made our way to where we would stay for orientation. That night I made my way to one of the large hotels in Manila and I took the elevator to the top floor where the pool deck was and I looked out onto Manila and realized just how lucky I was to have the opportunity to be a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer. Over the next 6 months I would put fear and doubt aside and do things that I never thought possible like hiking 10 km up a mountain to the botanical gardens.
Talk about going up, up, and away. When I arrived at the top there was a sari-sari store. I quickly said Gusto Ko Nong Tubig ( I would like water) I bought 4 bottles and walked around the gardens listening to the birds, watching the monkeys, and just admiring the beauty of where I was and taking in the moment. Ne of the workers asked you walk up the mountain? I said yes. he said okay me take you down in Jeepney when you ready.  I did take the jeepney down the mountain and thanked him for the ride. As I walked back into town I realized that sometimes it is when we go up, up, and away that we have our greatest awakenings. While I sat on the bench under a tree with flowers blooming around me and birds flying freely I realized that it is not about the materialistic that matters but the spiritualistic.

Action Takers Awakening calling Change Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Tom Cochrane Driving The Spiritual Highway

Spiritual Awakening: Tom Cochrane Driving The Spiritual Highway!!!

 Tom Cochrane inspired this post today with his song Life is a Highway. In the song he speaks about driving the highway of life and finding someone to share it with. He spoke of driving the highway all night long. This led me to think about how we are driving our spiritual highway and who or what we find along our spiritual highway as we continue on our path to spiritual awakening.  The spiritual awakening process starts as you begin your travels in acknowledgement that you are a divine child of GOD. This spiritual awakening continues as you become an action taker and continue your travels along the spiritual highway answering your calling by finding your purpose. The spiritual highway is filled with many detours and traffic and you begin to make a change in your personal and professionallife and you continue to make a mind, body, soul connection.

 Sometimes on your spiritual highway you may feel like Irene Cara’s character Coco Lopez from Fame out there on your own, however know that spirit is always with you guiding you along this spiritual path and protecting you. When you take the exits off of the spiritual highway know that you are not alone and that it is okay to show your emotions and that many feelings will be felt and it is okay to feel all of them. When you pull into that hotel off of the spiritual highway know that you have time to reflect and unwind and to rejuevenate for the next phase of your journey. Know that it is the alone time when you find the answers in the quiet. It is when we feel alone that we  find the oneness consciousness along our spiritual highway and discover that all we need is being provided for us by GOD.