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Spiritual Awakening: The Double Dribble!!!

Spiritual Awakening: The Double Dribble!!!

Image result for Basketball Double DribbleLast night (2/7/2018) I was announcing The Calvary Eagles vs Cardinal Gibbons Chiefs Girls Varsity High School Basketball Game and I made a call when the opposing player from Calvary double dribbled. I said double dribble get her a kids cup Chiefs Basketball. At halftime a parent from Calvary came up to me and asked if I thought is was okay to heckle the girls. I said I wasn’t heckling I was just adding some flair to the game as I have been doing for many years, At that moment another parent stated you can’t do that it is high school basketball. I apologized and began to walk away and the other parent kept going on and on.I simply went back to my announcing position. After the game a few of The Cardinal Gibbons parents came up to me and said don’t worry about it they were upset from the time they got to the gym you did a great job. The irony of the whole situation is that Calvary is a Christian School and I thought one of the covenants of Christianity was forgiveness.
As I drove home I realized that the words I speak over The Public Address System have an impact of the lives of those listening so in the future I have to be more cognizant of what I am about to say and have a better filter. Our words have tremendous power and what may be funny to one person may come across as hurtful to another. This does not mean I will stop be my authentic self and walking in my truth what it means is that I will be more aware of how what I say may effect others. I have come to realize that as long as I do my best and do things to praise and glorify GOD everything will be okay. In being a bit more humble I will grow personally, professionally, and spiritually.

Image result for humble yourself before godIn becoming humble before GOD and seeking forgiveness for my trespasses I will become a better person and thus attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life so that I can continue to be of service and value to others. Last night was a humbling experience for me as in all my years of announcing I have never had someone come up to me to complain about my call of a game. It was a learning experience for me as it reinforced that not everyone will be a fan of your style. In accepting that not everyone will resonate with your style you begin to become more true to yourself as you move along your spiritual path. The only thing anyone of us can do is walk in our truth and follow the messages that GOD is sending you.  In my case as a professional announcer and emcee I must become more aware as to the effect I have on audiences and to carry myself with grace and dignity. I must realize that as funny as I might find something others may find it hurtful thus I must find a common ground where I bring the game to life without disrespecting the game. It is important to look at how we conduct ourselves and how we play this game of life understanding that sometimes we can get a bit crazy.
If you get a little crazy and go nuts remember to pull yourself back and understand that all we do as we undergo a spiritual awakening process sets the tome how things will manifest in our life. I am happy that I am able to adjust my style and will have other opportunities to announce so as to improve my craft and move forward in a positive direction of my dreams.

When you double dribble in your personal, professional, or spiritual life take a moment and practice forgiveness so that you do not double dribble again. It is through seeking forgiveness and giving forgiveness that you are able to right the wrongs and thus attract bliss and abundance into your life. As I asked the two parent to forgive me if I offended them in any way I realized that by taking this approach I will be able to turn the page and let go and Let GOD as I continue to grow as an announcer. In seeking forgiveness it allows us to show GOD that we are not infallible and that we need his guidance to continue to become more aware and awake.

Spiritual Awakening: JDOGG’S Gift To Help You Avoid The Double Dribble!!!

Last night taught me to keep moving forward and to learn from it.



Action Takers Ascended Masters Awakening Award Winners calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment

Spiritual Awakening: A Dose Of Civility Needed!!!

Spiritual Awakening: A Dose Of Civility Needed!!!

As I have become an action taker I have encountered many great people who truly understand the importance of civility as it relates to evolving as a spiritual being then their are those who simply need a dose of civility. In today’s world that seems to be driven by social media people have become very discourteous in their dialogues not understanding that the way you treat people will determine how far you rise in this life. Last night (12/19/2017) I was watching The Cheribundi Tart Cheery Boca Bowl and interacting on Facebook when I posted a comment on  a post and was immediately berated by the poster with very unsuitable language. I was taken aback by this because I didn’t know this person and he made a horrible impression on me I answered back very politely only to be told to go eat a ****. I took a deep breath and consulted the ascended masters. I received the message that not everyone is as open as you JDOGG but do not get discouraged simply move on and remember those who are meant to interact with you will be shown to you. I have come to learn that what we need in our society today is a dose of civility. I have learned that not everyone will be kind and compassionate and to focus on those who are supportive and realize that not everyone has been awakened spiritually and that it is not my job to drag them kicking and screaming onto the path but to allow them to find the path when they are ready.
Despite the lack of civility on some people’s part it is important to remember the importance of walking in your truth and fighting the good fight. There are going to be times when people say things or do things that make you wonder what the heck. When this occurs it is important to detach from the situation and simply be civil and courteous and allow everything to flow as GOD has intended because if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. I have come to understand that if you stay committed to following the messages of GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels and fighting the good fight you will attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. When you give everyone a dose of civility there is a ripple effect and a subtle change occurs because you remembered that you are  divine child of GOD and you recognize that divinity in others.  If we are truly going to fight the good fight we need a dose of civility.

Action Takers Anthems

Spiritual Awakening: Watch Your Mouth!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Watch Your Mouth!!!

As we continue on our spiritual journey it is important to adhere to the words we heard when we were young, watch your mouth. IT is important to become aware of the words we are using and the attitude that we are conveying when we speak as the words combined with attitude will determine the altitude that we reach as we awaken spiritually. It is when you hold yourself accountable for the words you speak that you will find that life flows a little easier for you as you begin to take action to bring to fruition the words that you speak. When you are impeccable with your word you will see that peace, love, joy, and prosperity come to you easily and effortlessly. In taking action and choosing your words wisely you will begin to manifest the life that you desire.
Words have a great power and can either trap you or free you thus it is important to be very cognizant of the words that you are using. Are you using lack words or words of abundance. For example are you saying I can’t afford that or are you saying I will find a way to afford that. Are you say I am trying or I am doing. Take a look at how you are expressing yourself and then evaluate what is happening in your personal, professional, and spiritual life.  How you choose to use words will determine if you exceed a goal or fall short of a goal.  I am reminded about the time I eliminated the word try from this statement, I will try to raise $1500 for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I simply said I will raise $1500 and all of a sudden I found myself getting more and more donations and at the end of the fundraising period for Relay For Life I had raised over $2300. In changing what we say and eliminating limiting beliefs we begin to achieve goals that we never thought possible. In going from negative lack words to positive abundance words we begin to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives which allows us to be of service and value to others.

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Spiritual Awakening: A River of Hope!!!

Spiritual Awakening: A River of Hope!!!

Sometime when you are on your spiritual path you will find challenges that come in many forms. When these challenges arise it is important to find a body of water to just sit quietly by and pray. I have such a place and I call it The River Of Hope. There is something very magical and spiritual about just watching the water and remembering that when we cleanse our mind, body, and soul of negativity and replace it with positivism that we begin to transform. It is through our transformation that we create a oneness consciousness and thus grow personally, professionally and personally. I have learned through my spiritual journey that there will be things that I do not understand but if GOD brought me to it GOD will bring me through it. I have also come to understand that the spiritual path may have some bumps along the way but when I am cleansed and doing things to honor and praise GOD these bumps are smoothed out. We are all going to have some set backs where we question our spirituality. It is at these times that we go to the river to get rejuvenated and to re-energize the divine life force that allows us to share peace, love, joy, and prosperity. It is when we cleanse and remove that which no longer serves us that we become more evolved and thus we can be of more service and value to others. In finding ways to be of value and service we attract all the resources necessary to create and manifest the life we desire.

When we are bathed in the spirit of GOD we come to understand that if GOD is for us who can be against us. The enemy will through many obstacles in your way to try to shake you however when you are strong in your faith and divinely connected no one can stop you.  I am reminded of a day last year when I was out collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Boca Raton when I put the collection canister in one hand and my Bible in the other. I walked into a restaurant to ask for a donation the man behind the counter asked me what book I was reading I said The Bible he said you have a weapon there I must donate he then told everyone in the restaurant to make a donation. That day was one of my most successful days collecting and taught me that when you are connected to GOD good things happen.  Later that day I stopped for dinner and found a small park with a picnic are over looking a body of water so I stopped and as I ate I prayed and praised GOD thanking him for all the good he is doing in my life. At the end of last year my fundraising total for The 2015 American Cancer Society Relay for Life of Boca Raton was $2557. Now everyday I pray that GOD will direct me and allow me to use my talents for good. As a result even the biggest challenges seem small.

When I am facing challenges and need some reassurance I turn to the scriptures and I am reminded that I am a divine child of GOD as you are as well and that GOD wants to increase the love in my life so that I can give more love and share that love for the betterment of others. I have often stated that service to humanity is the best work of life and this is so true as the more you give the more you receive.

 When we pray at the river and seek ways to be more loving and compassionate we begin to grow in all that we do and as a result our personal, professional, and spiritual life is enhanced. As you travel to your river of hope know that if you seek you will be answered and if you ask it shall be given. In today’s hustle and bustle society take a moment to go to the river and pray.

If you can not get to a river remember that you are 90% water and that you are the river of hope and you can provide a reservoir for those seeking to grow in mind, body, and spirit. Allow your river to flow and you will create much hope and healing as you take action in becoming more aware and awake. It is when we allow the water to flow freely that we make the world a better place. May your river flow freely. Namaste!!!



Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Feelings Flow Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: The Universal Conspiracy!!!

Spiritual Awakening: The Universal Conspiracy!!!

So may people talk about The Law Of Attraction and Manifestation but do not realize that it takes action to bring forth the desires you want in your personal and professional life. You may want to raise $2500 for a charity, like The American Cancer Society Relay For Life but until you take committed action to do this the thought is but  a figment of our sub conscious. I have found that by writing down I will raise $2500 for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and then sharing my donation page at  to be very effective in attracting donors. The universal conspiracy is that GOD and The Angels want you to succeed and will put all you need to succeed in front of you however you must be willing to take action and use all the tools you are being provided with so as to manifest your desired outcome. The paradox however is that you must also be willing to detach from the desired outcome and just allow things to flow as GOD and the universal powers intends for you.  The fact remains that you can talk about doing but until you write it down and start to take action it remains talk. I have learned that if it is in sight it is in sight and will be accomplished but if it is out of sight it is out of mind and will not be achieved.  I have often asked the question GOD what is the next step and he has delivered a message that I follow and thus move closer to exceeding the goal that I set.

Another universal conspiracy that is very important to understand is that what the mind can conceive and the heart can believe you can achieve.  If your desires are genuine and heart centered with the idea of being of service and value you will find success. It is important to follow your heart and allow everything else to follow. On Tuesday (10/27/2015) I saw a post on Facebook about a company that paid out over $3 million in commissions so I posted a comment that is great now you can visit http;//, which is my fundraising page for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise,FL. A gentleman posted a reply it is always good to give back. I wrote back yes it is I am not looking for much as I am asking everyone to donate $25 he replied done. I received notification of a donation and it was $100 from this gentleman.  I immediately though Thank you GOD and The Angels for guiding me and allowing me to come straight from the heart. When you are doing things from a heart centered place the universe will conspire to deliver positive results.

Action Takers Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Essential Oils Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Stones and Crystals Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: The Spiritual Alphabet!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: The Spiritual Alphabet!!!!

 Remember in our youth when we first learned the alphabet and we were so excited to sing the alphabet song? Well the same excitement comes over me as part of my spiritual awakening as I learn the spiritual alphabet. Each time I learn a new term or a new modality my inner child awakens and I become like a sponge ready to soak it all in and then apply what I have learnt. In being awakened spiritually one finds themselves taking action and adopting many practices that dig deep into their own divinity and thus unleashes a power that enables them to move forward in the positive direction of their dreams.

My Spiritual Alphabet Book Inspired by Holly Bea’s book I decided to make my own spiritual alphabet.

Authenticity, atonement, attitude, abundance

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Stones and Crystals Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Speak Life

Spiritual Awakening: Speak Life!!!!

 As we close out 2013 today I thought what could be a good message to give to the readers of this blog and it hit me, Speak Life. The song Speak Life by Toby Mac has become one of my anthems. It has helped me to understand my spiritual awakening and get in touch with the fact that what we say has immense power. As you sit down to make your declarations for 2014 remember the words we use have an incredible power as we filter them through our sub conscious mind. I recommend avoiding using words like try and instead use words like I Will. Instead of using words like I have to change to I get to or I am able to. As you begin to become conscious of the words that you are using you and the affect they are having on your life you will begin to shift your speech and thus by speaking life you will start to manifest the live you want creating the prosperity that is your birth right.

Spiritual Awakening: Words That Speak Life!!!

In the spiritual awakening realm of language we can speak life by using words like peace, love, joy, and prosperity however we must be willing to internalize these words and visualize what they are and thus take action to bring them from our inner space into our outer space. It is when we recognize our divinity and begin to come from a place of gratitude and exude the traits of peace, love, joy, and prosperity that we experience the spiritual growth that will enhance our personal and professional lives.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Stones and Crystals Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Unleashing Your Inner Don Quixote!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Unleashing Your Inner Don Quixote!!!

 One of my favorite Operas/musicals is Man Of La Mancha. The character, Don Quixote, was fighting windmills. The windmills represented the inner demons that he was facing. As I listened to the music and began to understand the message being deliver I discovered just like Don Quixote many of us are experiencing a spiritual awakening. We are waking up and becoming aware that we have greatness inside of us and that our light is meant to shine bright and thus we are becoming action takers. We are beginning to adopt anthems and thus unleashing our inner Don Quixote and showing others that they can step into their greatness and become who they desire to be. Don Quixote was doubted by many, chastised by others, however he stuck to his mission and taught us about pursuing dreams and being a leader in our personal and professional lives.  In awakening we unleash that inner Don Quixote and we leave all the doubters and naysayers behind as we pursue the purpose that we have discovered. It is when we fully commit to our quest that we begin to understand our calling and thus enhance our personal and professional lives while being of service and value to others. A change occurs when you come alive and embrace the spiritual awakening that you are experiencing. There will be battles that are won and battles that are lost and each one will teach us valuable lessons along our path.

Don Quixote had his loyal servant Sancho to encourage him and move him in the direction of his dreams. Who do you have in your circle that is lifting you? How are you being a lifter?  A strong belief in your self and others will propel you positively along your spiritual path towards enlightenment thus allowing you to experience the joy that comes from being surrounded by encouragers and lifters while also becoming a lifter.

 Many will doubt your dreams and do what they can to discourage you. My advice is do not listen to them and unleash your inner Don Quixote and pursue the dream. To pursue your dream takes courage. There are many stories about those who did not let the naysayers win and pursued their dreams and as a result have found joy, an inner peace, and abundance. Some will say oh they were lucky, others will say oh that can never be me, while others will say if they can do it I can do it.  The journey starts when you are committed to following your dream. It is when you write it down in the form of I will and start to take action steps towards that goal.