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Spiritual Awakening: What Is Your Why?

Spiritual Awakening: What Is Your Why?


As you continue to awaken spiritually you will find yourself asking yourself what is my why. Once you find your why you will be driven to grow personally, professionally , and spiritually. You will find yourself having more peace, love, joy, and prosperity in your life. In many cases we can have several whys as our motivation and drive may come from different sources.

Always In My heart My Reason To Relay

The photo is of my MOM, Judith Miller, who was called home to GOD on July 5,2012 after having a massive heart attack after battling non-operable metastatic lung cancer. I was the one that held her hand as she made her final transistion.  She is the reason that I continue to take action to support the American Cancer Society Relay For Life. Thanks to Jeff Cash, Portrait Artist To The Stars, I have aportrait of her hanging on my wall that I see everday and it serves as a reninder to continue to show people that service to humanity is the best work of life. In wanting to make sure I continue to honor her I do my best to be of service and value to others. Who is your why?

This is my DAD who was called home to GOD on June 7, 2018. He serves as another reason for me to be of service and value to others as he was very caring and compassionate and was always willing to help others.

These are my two of my whys and I have others like wanting to serve as a living example of The Jaycees Creed.

No photo description available.

In embodying these principles and beliefs I have been able to continue to focus on my why. Another helpful philosophy that I have adopted to help me live my life on purpose and to find my why is Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Four Agreements.

The Four Agreements – Quilting Jetgirl

In finding your why you will be able to create more bliss and abundance in your life. In sharing your why you will find that you resonate with those who are meant to help you excel. In finding your why you will see things fall into place. So now is your time to tap into your inner divinty and find your why. It is said the two most important day in your life are the day you are born and the day you discover why. Many people will help us to shape our why and through out the years our why may change. It is when we find the why and take actions based on our why that we are able to achieve favorable outcomes.

In finding your why and having a reasonyou will find that you can overcome challenges that come your way as you will become stronger thus allowing you to shine your light and illuminate the world. In many cases we simply need to peel back the onion and find our why.  I have come to unbderstand that when we are driven by our why we are able to be passionate and take action thus we find success. Now is the time for you to believe and to follow your why.

It is through believing in yourself and walking in your truth that you can honor your why and find yourself doing things that you never thought possible. It is when you find your why and live a life according to that why that you are able to create the life you desire. There will be set backs and whenthey occur remember that many times they are simply a set up for something better that GOD has planned for you so do not lose sight of your why and continue to move forward in a positive direction of your dreams.

Once you find your why and your purpose you will see why GOD created you as you are a Divine Child Of GOD and GOD want you to show praise so that you can prosper and therefore prosper others. When you find yourself questioning you why remember that the plans GOD has for you are far greater that those you have for yourself.

It is when you realize that you have a purpose and that GOD has a plan for you that you will be able to embrace your why and as a result you will be able to deal with all the trials and tribulations that may come your way as you expereience a spiritual awakening. Make today a day where you discover your why and make plans to act upon that why in all you do in your personal and profeesional life. Now is your time. Namaste!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Believe In You!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Believe In You!

     As 2022 is now in its 23rd day it is imperative for you to decalre that this year will be a year where you believe in yourself and start to take action to turn your dreams into reality. Over the 1st 23 days of this year I have had an opportunitty to reflect on the times when I felt the most successful and I concluded that most of my best success came when I believed in my self and took action to act upon my goals. I have found that when you believe in yourself and you stay focused, centered, and grounded you can exceed any goals and objectives that you set for yourself. I have also discovered that when you believe in yourself and continue to stay connected to GOD that you will be provided the tools and resources to succeed. I have also come to realize that when you believe in yourself and find your purpose that you will become limitless.

      It is through believing in yourself and  understanding the reason that you are here that you will expand your spiritual awakening. It is your time to be an action taker. Now is your time to come alive and to answer your calling whille being the change that yiu want to see in the world. It is through being of service and value to others that you make a positive impact in your community. When you believe in yourself you begin to clear blockages that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential. It is your time to believe in you and create a flow of energy that takes away fear and negativity.

      When you believe in yourself you take away any fear that may be stopping you in your pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. It is when we begin to overcome fear and face everything and rise by believing in our self that we tap into our inner divinity and find our talents thus allowing us to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives and into the lives of others. I have seen some great things happen because I believed in myself and took the neccessary action to move forward in the positive direction of my goals. I recently launched a project, JDOGG’S JERSEYS OF HOPE, to benefit The American Cancer Society and I have been successful in securing a few jerseys that will be used to raise funds for research, education, advocacy, and services. I have always believed that all you have to do is ask and have overcome the fear of being told no as I have found that every no gets you closer to a yes. In believing in yourself you will begin to find success comes a bit easier everyday. It is your time to believe in yourself and to find your talent and to use your talent for good. It is your day to become a bliever and to reap the benefits that come with a spiritual awakening.

       It is when you believe in yourself that you arer able to manifest the life that you want to create form yourself. It will take a daily practice of walking in your truth to bring things to fruition. It will take you following your passion and taking action so you can find success. It is time for you to believ that you are the best there is  the best there was and the best that will ever be. This may sound a bit cocky but it is a neccessity to move forward and growing personally, professionally, and spiritually. It has been stated that if you believe you can or if you beleive you can’t you are right. It is time to beleive that you can.

     It is your season to step into your power and unleash the power you have inside of yourself to move forward along your spiritual path so that you can create bliss and abundance. When you begin to believe in yourself and take action by eliminating the doubters, the haters, and the naysayers you begin a journey that will allow you to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. Don’t allow anyone to tell you it can not be done take action and prove them wrong. I remember telling someone that I wanted to be a pa announcer and they said you have no training how are you going to do that. I answered I am going to practice and study the craft and then volunteer to so youth sports games. They said you can’t do that. I said yes I can and since announcing my first youth sports game I have become a paid announcer and have been able to use my skills to not only announce but to also emcee events and to do voice overs simply because I believed in myself. It is when you beleive in yourself that you set things in motion to succeed by following your passion. It is your time to become the man in the arena by committing to believing in yourself and becoming an action taker.

It is you time to dare greatly and experience the wins that come from believing in yourself. When you experience a defeat simply dust yourself off and get back up and reaffirm your belief in yourself. Stay Positive. Namaste.