Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive

Spiritual Awakening: All You Need Is A Little Bit of Heart And Soul!!!

Spiritual Awakening: All You Need Is A Little Bit of Heart And Soul!!!

The year was 1987 and I was getting ready to graduate from Hofstra University. Heart and Soul was one of the top songs that year and it became an anthem of mine. As I sat in the Hofstra Gymnasium waiting for my name to be called it occurred to me that as long as I put a little bit of heart and soul into all I was going to do that things would turn out okay. As I continue on my spiritual journey I understand more and more that it takes a bit of heart and soul to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Many times it is just a matter of going forward with an idea regardless of what others might say about the idea and understanding that if you put your heart into what you are doing and you create a oneness consciousness that everything will work out for the best. I have come to understand that it is important to conceive it in your mind and to believe it in your heart so that you can achieve it. If you are an avid reader of this blog you know the concept that I preach which is passion+ action = success. When you put your heart and soul into anything people will sense your passion and will vibrate on the same level with you and as a result support you. There will be those who will not resonate with you for they are not ready to walk the path that leads to spiritual enlightenment. When you encounter these people simply remember it is not your job to drag them kicking and screaming onto the path but it is your job to keep putting your heart and soul into what you are doing and to shine your light bright to illuminate the world understanding that when they are ready they will experience their own spiritual awakening. When you embrace the spiritual awakening process and put your heart and soul into everything you do there will be no stopping you.
When you become heart centered and make the commitment to put your heart and soul into everything that you do you will see that you are unstoppable. Remember that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper. As you become more loving and caring you will begin to attract loving and caring people into your life who will lift you to heights that you never thought possible. Many times we are told that something is impossible when in reality when you break the word down it says I am possible. When you start to put your heart and soul into things you being to see the realm of endless possibilities.  Recently someone said that a group couldn’t raise $7,000 in 2 days and reach a milestone. I piped up and said yes it can be done all you have to do is believe and take action. Guess what the goal of raising $7000 in 2 days was achieved because people put their heart and soul into the effort and began to believe that people would help.