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Spiritual Awakening: Out Of The Comfort Zone And Into The Positive Zone!!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Out Of The Comfort Zone And Into The Positive Zone!!!


 When we step out of our comfort zone and we challenge ourselves we find ourselves expanding personally and professionally.  It is when we find our power and strength that we are able to move courageously forward in the positive direction of our dreams. Today I was set to help with The Most Valuable Protégés Basketball Clinic, I showed up to the gym early and the AYFL Cheerleading Competition was taking place so I stepped out of my comfort zone and parked away form the gym and walked to the gym. Something told me to grab my collection canister for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life.  I then walked tot he gym and I sought out the announcer so I could make an announcement about collecting donations for Relay For Life. They allowed me to make the announcement and most of the audience was receptive and made donations. I then noticed that a lacrosse tournament was going on so I decided to walk to fields and ask people watching the games for donations. Most were  receptive and donated. I then made my way over the basketball clinic as it was moved to the outdoor courts.  It was by stepping out of my comfort zone and listening to the message of source that I was able to have success.

 I have found by giving a new positive energy to something and coming from a position of gratitude that I achieve success. Look at the  way you are doing things and the results you are getting and if the results are not to your liking  make a shift on how you are doing things and the energy you are bringing to them. The key to getting into the positive zone is to understand the spiritual awakening that you are having and to follow the messages tat you are being given and get into a positive flow.

 How many times do you say you are  doing the best you can instead of stepping out of that comfort zone and pushing yourself to the positive zone.  I recently felt really tired and drained when collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I was a bit discouraged that people weren’t visiting I switched the discouragement to gratitude and began to push myself to come from a position of gratitude. It was at that point that I began to have more success with my fundraising.  Now when I feel like giving in and stopping I remember why I am collecting for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life.  As I enter the positive zone GOD provides me with opportunities to fundraise such as today with The AYFL Cheerleading Competition and The Lacrosse Tournament. The messages to allow us to succeed are all around us. It is important to become an action taker and follow the messages. It is when you follow the messages and step out of the comfort zone that you move into the positive zone.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Move Out Of Your Comfort Zone And Into The Positive Zone!!!!

 The first tool is to list those who are not serving you and to begin to weed them out of your life and replace them with those who lift you up.

 Another great tool is to find something you are passionate about changing and get involved in making the change.  I want to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays and thus I lose myself in service through my involvement with Relay For Life.

Books such as these along with those available by clicking The hay House Link on this page will aid you in stepping out of the comfort zone and into the positive zone.


 Quotes will serve you well as you enter the positive zone.
 Scriptures offer direction and understanding as to your purpose and thus allows you to step into the positive zone.
  Meditation allows you to open up yourself to make the mind, body, and soul connection to step out of  your comfort zone and to step into the positive zone.

Spiritual Awakening: JDOGG’s Music To Step Into The Positive Zone!!!!


 As you step into the positive zone remember that all the answers come from within when you ask the right questions the answers will appear. It is through your positive action and answering the messages that you begin to experience an awakening that will guide you physically, mentally, and spiritually.  It is in making the conscious decision to step into the positive zone that you will begin to experience the joy and prosperity that is your birthright. Stay Positive!!!


By Spiritual Awakening

JDOGG is known as The Positive Broadcaster. He is about being of service and value to others by sharing a positive message and helping people to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. He is very involved with The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. His dedication to help other people excel is amazing and he has many awards for his service to the community.

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