Action Takers Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Lifting

Spiritual Awakening: Light It Up!!!

Spiritual Awakening:Light It Up!!!

In a world that seems so dark at times with the news media covering so many negative occurances it is time to light up the world and to be come a beacon of hope for others to see. I have seen so many good deeds being performed as people start to awaken spiritually and realize that being of service and value is a priority. I have often stated the bible vers that GOD loves a cheerful giver. Giving and being a shining light for others to see is not always about donating money many times it can be about donating items that you have that you no longer use or giving of your time to volunteer at activities. There are many ways for you to shime your light and illuminate the world. Many tines it can be as simple as just taking time to listen to someone and help them in their time of need by being an encouraging listener. In taking action to become a bright light for others to follow you will find that you bengin to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. In helping others you will find that you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually and as a result your mental and  pysichal well being will improve. I have found that when I seek to be a light and ask GOD, Jessus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels for guidance that I am able to alleviate the darkness that was creating blockages that were stopping me from walking in my truth and becoming a better version of myself.  Through the spiritual awakening process you will be able to find your purpose and answer your calling by making positive changes that lead to you becoming a light to lead the way for others. In becoming a light and coming out of the dark you will see that you come alive and detach from outcomes by simply knowing you are doing the best you can with the tools you have at this time just as GOD had planned.

As a spiritual being you will face challenges for it is through overcoming challenges that you can face everything and rise so that you become a light that passes the torch to others so they too can illuminate the world. Sometimes it is in our darkest hour that we have the greatest breakthrough as we seek to go into the light and shine so bright that others are empowered and inspired by us. Instead of buying into the doom and gloom that is being spouted in the media step into your light and find ways that you can positively impact your life and the lives of others. in many cases it can bea  simple act of giving books to friends of the library so that you gibve a gift of reading to others. Instead of getting into political debates think of ways you can think globally and act locally soi that everyome benefits. Walk in the ligh and good things will happen.

When you walk in the light you will realize that all things are possible as GOD will provide the resources needed for you to step into your power and achieve greatness. Instead of being consumed by negativity take steps to walk in the light and create more harmony, bliss, and abundance in your life. Remember that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to propser so you can propser others. Remeber that when you help to light a candle your light dioesn’t dim it is strengthened because now there are two candles light the way for others to see a path toward personal and spiritual development.  It is when you believ that you are a light that you can make a mind, body, soul, connection.

It is through believing in yourself and being guided by GOD that you will light up the world and make changes by spreading positivism one person at a time. Look for ways to brighten some one’s day and make a not of the feeling you had and try to duplicate your actions so that you can lift others for in lifting others you will be rewarded.

27 Bible Verses about Light - Light my way, O LORD! | Psalms, Bible verse memorization, Be of good courage

This is your season to be the light of the world and to light up your community by finding ways to make a positive difference. You have an opportunity to be the change you want to see in the world by taking action to change the things you can accept the things you can not and havingthe wisdom to know the difference.

Now is your time to light up someone’s life. Stay Positive!!!

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Spiritual Awakening: Out Of The Comfort Zone And Into The Positive Zone!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Out Of The Comfort Zone And Into The Positive Zone!!!


 When we step out of our comfort zone and we challenge ourselves we find ourselves expanding personally and professionally.  It is when we find our power and strength that we are able to move courageously forward in the positive direction of our dreams. Today I was set to help with The Most Valuable Protégés Basketball Clinic, I showed up to the gym early and the AYFL Cheerleading Competition was taking place so I stepped out of my comfort zone and parked away form the gym and walked to the gym. Something told me to grab my collection canister for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life.  I then walked tot he gym and I sought out the announcer so I could make an announcement about collecting donations for Relay For Life. They allowed me to make the announcement and most of the audience was receptive and made donations. I then noticed that a lacrosse tournament was going on so I decided to walk to fields and ask people watching the games for donations. Most were  receptive and donated. I then made my way over the basketball clinic as it was moved to the outdoor courts.  It was by stepping out of my comfort zone and listening to the message of source that I was able to have success.

 I have found by giving a new positive energy to something and coming from a position of gratitude that I achieve success. Look at the  way you are doing things and the results you are getting and if the results are not to your liking  make a shift on how you are doing things and the energy you are bringing to them. The key to getting into the positive zone is to understand the spiritual awakening that you are having and to follow the messages tat you are being given and get into a positive flow.

 How many times do you say you are  doing the best you can instead of stepping out of that comfort zone and pushing yourself to the positive zone.  I recently felt really tired and drained when collecting donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I was a bit discouraged that people weren’t visiting I switched the discouragement to gratitude and began to push myself to come from a position of gratitude. It was at that point that I began to have more success with my fundraising.  Now when I feel like giving in and stopping I remember why I am collecting for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life.  As I enter the positive zone GOD provides me with opportunities to fundraise such as today with The AYFL Cheerleading Competition and The Lacrosse Tournament. The messages to allow us to succeed are all around us. It is important to become an action taker and follow the messages. It is when you follow the messages and step out of the comfort zone that you move into the positive zone.

Action Takers Awakening calling Come Alive Feelings Fellowship Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Lessons Learned Life Lifting Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Sharing Signals Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vibrations Vision

Spiritual Awakening:God Will Make A Way

Spiritual Awakening: God Will Make A Way

   As I was seeking what to write about today I found this song and  it really struck a chord as I have learned that GOD provides and it is when you listen to his messages that he delivers that you truly find your way and your purpose. I have come to learn that everything happens for a reason. A big example of this was yesterday when my car needed 2 tires and an oil change. Money has been tight for me as I continue to secure clients and projects and seek full time work, the bill came to about $220 and I was able to pay for it and then the answer to my question of where will the money cone from to  replace the money I spent it dawned on me that I had $250 coming from an investment I had a few years ago, so the way was provided by GOD. Prior to replacing teh tires I prayed and asked GOD to get me to Boca Raton, FL safe so I could drop off te money I had collected for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of West Boca Raton. All the way to Boca I was worried about the tire exploding. The tire didn’t explode I made it to Boca Raton safely, dropped of the money, and made it to The Good Year Store and the car was fixed. While the car was being fixed I followed the message to go an collect donations for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of West Boca Raton. In 2 hours I colledted $28. Despite the rain and some challenges I was successful.

 As I walked back to pick up my car I began to sing and the words were Walking With Jesus Daily. From what I recall my signing went something like this. Feeling AloneI turn to you and you are there walking with Jesus daily, singing in gratitude and joy freely, alone no more, giving more, walking with Jesus daily, watching over me giving peace, love, and happiness creating bliss walking with Jesus daily. After singing this out and giving praise to GOD I saw a shift in my attitude and the attitudes of thoseI dealt with the through out the remainder of the day. As I was stuck in traffic I turned to Reach FM and was filled with the joy of music and praise and upon arriving home I thanked Jesus for providing the way.

 As I continue to walk in faith i find good things happening. Yes their are struggles financially, however knowing that GOD will make a way makes it less burdensome. GOD is within all of us and when we get in touch with out divinty we begin to receive better outcomes.  We have choices to go with GOD and let things unfold for us by taking action to praise GOD and shine our light by lifting others up in prayer and being of service and value or to question GOD and wondering why things are happening the way they are. God always makes a way sometimes the road is tough and fraught with challenges because GOD will make a test into a testimony. Some times the road is easier as GOD wants to prosper and reward you.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Allow God To Make A Way

1:  Give glory to GOD. Do not do deeds to glorify yourself or for accolades do it to show respect and glory to GOD.

2:     Give praise to GOD. Pray and lift others up in prayer. As ypu praiseand thank GOD you will begin to open the gates to receive as yuo will shine your light and thus give permission to others to shine their light.

3: Meditation is a great tool as you quiet your mind and thus make a mind, body, soul connection allowing GOD to make a way.

4: By being of service you will allow GOD to make a way. From the moment you awake to the moment you rest find ways to be of service and value to all those you encounter.

5: Exercising to praise music such as this song Shackles, originally performed by Mary Mary and presented here by Mandisa is a fantastic way to allow GOD to make away.

6:      Reading books like these wil, provide insight and enable you to let go of prior beliefs and put negative events behind you as you make positive progress in your quest to allow GOD to make a way.

Spiritual Awakening: The Final Statement of GOD Making A Way

 remember you have  friend in Jesus and he will make a way. Until next time STAY POSITIVE.