Action Takers Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Bank Account Spiritual Destinations Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Stones and Crystals Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Putting Yourself First!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Putting Yourself First!!!

Image result for Putting YOurself First SpirituallyIn the last 13 months I have come to realize that most of the reason that I am in the position that I am in is due to the fact that for 40 plus years I have put helping others in front of helping myself. I found myself justifying this by thinking I was meeting a spiritual responsibility by being of service and value to others, which is important however if you can not help yourself you will not be able to help others. I was justifying what I was doing by thinking well I am taking action and helping other people to excel when in reality this was hindering me because I was not making my physical, mental, and spiritual well being a priority. It was when I awakened to the spiritual principles of putting myself first and connecting to GOD that things began to turn around. Though I am still a bit financially challenged and have set up a donation page at I know things will improve as I put myself first and take action as directed by GOD. In calling upon GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels for guidance to put myself 1st I have found myself gaining more clarity in my personal, professional, and spiritual life. In discovering the power of putting myself first I have been able to detach from outcomes and simply live in the moment knowing that GOD put me here to serve my community by answering my calling to come alive and to effectively make the changes I can as I live a spiritual life in my human form. In putting myself I have been able to pursue some of my dreams while putting many of the emotions that used to hold me back aside.

Action Takers Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Bank Account Spiritual Destinations Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: A New Day!!!

In the face of darkness you must tear everything down and commit to make a new beginning. This may mean walking away from that which no longer serves you. In the last 8 months I have had to deal with some challenges and I am doing my best to start over. As the result of tapping into my spirituality I have decided to declutter and start over by removing that which no longer serves me and to focus on opportunities to grow personally, professionally, and spiritually. In eliminating that which no longer serves us we can start all over and make a new day where we attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our lives. In walking away from that which no longer serves and going where you are celebrated instead of just tolerated you will find yourself achieving more bliss and abundance in your life. In scaling down we create a new day with new opportunities.

each day gives us a new opportunity. It gives us a chance to be an action taker. I have come to learn that in life there are action takers and excuse makers. Which one are you? I have also come to understand that as hard as things may seem if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. You can not fix what happened yesterday as it has occurred but you can learn from it so you can live in the new day and plan for the future. There comes a time to remove the negativity and focus on the positive.

As you embark on your new day make time to peel back the onion and tap into your inner divinity and then take action on the message that you are receiving from GOD. In the new day eliminate your negative self talk and your limiting beliefs by understanding that you are a divine child of GOD and GOD wants you to prosper. When you start your new day ask GOD to show you the way.

It is when we turn to GOD and go back to our spiritual teachings that we begin to become the light to show others the way and thus create a new day. Each day gives us a chance to focus on being of service and value to others thus bringing more positives into our life. Each day gives you a chance to be a lifter and to find your way. As you become more and more spiritually aware and awake you will begin to see that each day gives you a chance to grow and to to make a mind, body, soul connection.

As you embark on a new day make it a season of love by being guided by GOD, The Ascended Masters, Jesus, and The Angels. In making each day count it is imperative to stay connected and to take action to move forward in a positive direction of your dreams. Namaste!!!

Action Takers Spiritual Awakening

Spiritual Awakening: Victory Shall Be Yours!!!

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Let Go and Let GOD

       Through the spiritual awakening process I have come to understand that by taking action you will be victorious. It may take a lot of perseverance and persistence to achieve victory however if you stay connected to GOD victory shall be yours. Do not listen to the doubters, the haters, or  the naysayers. Listen to the messages from GOD and be prepared to take action and victory shall be yours. Do not allow your negative self talk to get in the way and become an action taker and victory shall be yours. As you forward along your path to victory you will find yourself detaching from the outcome thus allowing you to be victorious and attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. As you move forward in a positive direction of your goals you will find that the obstacles that once stopped you are no longer obstacles but mere stepping stones to success. So many times we find ourselves forgetting everything and running that we forget the power that we have to face everything and rise.Through out my spiritual journey I have had many detractors telling me that it couldn’t be done well I proved them wrong by letting go and letting GOD I was shown resources that simply needed to be utilized to fulfill the goals and objectives that I had set for myself. 

In Overcoming Adversity You Grow Personally, Professionally, and Spiritually

 It is when we utilize our resources and take action that we can overcome all challenges that we face.  I have been working diligently on securing chance drawing items for events that I am hosting for The American Cancer Society to raise funds for research, education, advocacy, and services and I have been reaching out through social media. Each time I get a yes it is a victory  for I know that there are many caring and compassionate people in this world whom will support the efforts to attack cancer from every angle. I have come to understand that the best thing I can do is to take action using the tools at my disposal knowing that when it is all said and done I will be victorious.


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Stay Connected to GOD and You Will Be Led to Victory!!!

   It is when we stay connected to GOD and listen to his message that we are led to victory. In order for us to be victorious we need to stay in the arena standing up for what we believe in as we shine our light and illuminate the world.

Image result for the credit goes to the man in the arena
To Gain Victory You Must Be In The Arena

     It is when you step into the fray and are not afraid of losing that you will be led to victory. It is when you become an action taker and walk in your truth that you will find victory.  In the years that I have been walking my spiritual path their have been some defeats however I have learned from then and as a result have had many victories. For those that have followed this blog for a while you know the many victories that I have had and the many adversities that I have faced along the way. The one thing that has kept moving toward victory is the fact that I know that I am a divine child of GOD and GOD wants me to prosper.

    It is now time for you to be victorious. Namaste!!!

Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Emotions Essential Oils Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Get Fresh!!!

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Get Fresh with your spirituality

     You may be wondering what gum may have to do with the spiritual awakening process well today is all about being fresh in mind, body, and soul. As gum freshens up your mouth and gives you a cleansing feeling you gain a sense of confidence so that you can speak your truth and continue to evolve in your personal, professional, and spiritual life. As gum cleanses your mouth and freshens your mouth meditation will cleanse and freshen your mind. In cleansing out the negativity and focusing on the positive you are able to clean and clear blockages that may have been stopping you from reaching your full potential. In many cases it is just a matter of making a commitment to GET FRESH!!!. I know that when I feel clean in my mind and body that I vibrate at a higher frequency and thus achieve more than I expected. In cleansing my personal spaces with a bit of sage and essential oils I find myself attracting more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into my life. I also find that when I take the extra time to take care of myself that I am able to function at a higher level and thus act on the messages that GOD is sending thus creating bliss and abundance in my life. Yes there have been times of sadness and anger along my journey however when these occurrences happen I simply look to GOD, Jesus, The Ascended Masters, and  The Angels for guidance to help me get fresh and cleans away any negative thoughts that may hinder me and stifle me from becoming a evolved spiritual being.

Spiritual Awakening: Tools To Help You Get Fresh!!!

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Turn to the lord and you will be rewarded

     I have found that one of the great tools to getting fresh is to strengthen your relationship with Jesus as everything is possible through Christ who strengthens us. In times of trial and tribulation and in joy and happiness it is important to stay connected to Christ and understand that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. In all that you do stay connected to your source and step into your power as guided by GOD to achieve your greatness which is your birthright. 

Remember that the fruits of spirit will guide you along your spiritual path

     Bible verses will serve you as they will help to answer your questions and guide you along your path so that you can continue to move forward in a positive direction of your dream. I have found that understanding the fruits of spirit that I have the necessary tools to follow my spiritual journey as guided by GOD and to alleviate all obstacles that come my way. In realizing that if GOD is for me who can be against me I have been able to detach from outcomes and simply allow things to unfold as GOD wants them to in the course of the day. In accepting the fact that GOD’S plan for me is far greater than the plan I have for myself I have been able to get fresh and look at things from a fresh perspective. I have found that when I take a deep breath and look at things in a different way my whole attitude toward the situation changes and thus I am able to get fresh and continue to walk in my truth by being of service and value to others.

      I have found that soft music is a fantastic tool that allows you to get fresh as it assists in the spiritual awakening process by keeping you focused, centered, and grounded. Music with the proper frequency will allow you to tune into your inner divinity and thus create the life you desire despite any challenges that may come your way. In using music as a tool you will find that you clear blockages that have held you back and thus you are able to become more aware and awake.

Image result for You are Enough Dee Adio Moses

Image result for miracle minute book

I have found these two books to be great tools to get fresh along with the other books available by clicking on the links on this page. It is important to read and then apply what you have read so that you can stay fresh while on your spiritual journey. 

Spiritual Awakening: Getting Fresh: A Case Study!!!

Be The Change you want to see in this world.

      The other day I was a bit upset about the situation I was left in as my DAD passed on June 7, 2018. I was feeling all types of pressure as I haven’t had a full time job in over two years and I have been simply scrapping by and now I am faced with paying off a mortgage and a home equity loan totaling just over $40,000. I then took a deep breath and went outside to sit on the bench by the lake and think what am I going to do. I was given the message take everything one day at a time and it will all work out. Thus I turned the page and gained a fresh perspective. When I went to pay the mortgage I showed gratitude and was thankful that I was able to pay the initial payment and interest and have some left over to apply just to the principal. I then realized that GOD will provide and as long as I take action and give praise and glory to GOD that each day I can get fresh.  I have come to learn that when you let go and let GOD that good things will happen and that you can always get fresh. May you get fresh and attract much peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. Namaste!!!

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Flow Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Bank Account Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: The Balance Sheet!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: The Balance Sheet!!!

See the source imageIn our spiritual journey we will find that there is balance in all we do and when we are balanced we can reach very high levels of vibration that allow us to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity into our personal. professional, and spiritual lives. As I left The American Cancer Society Office today (5/3/2018) I started to look and the balance sheet for The 2018 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise. It read 34 teams, 71 participants, and $21,582.77 raised. I looked at this and at first was a bit disappointed for as an action taker I expected more as The 2018 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise is Tomorrow (5/4/2018). I started to allow the negatives to take over and thus my vibration was being lowered and then after taking a deep breath I started to look at all the positives and my vibration was rising and I was feeling better about the action that I was taking. As I started to look at all the good things I realized that I need to remember to detach from expectations and simply allow GOD to guide me as he will deliver all that is needed to have a successful event.         See the source image  As I look back on a 9 month journey as The People Lead for the 2018 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise I can say that the experience has been a great lesson in personal development and spiritual development. I was able to gain a lot of clarity in understanding just how powerful one person can be. I have raised $3004 to help fund research, education, advocacy, and services and was told I should be very proud of this and I am as I know that my mom, Judith Miler, who was called home to GOD on July 5, 2012 after suffering a massive heart attack while battling non-operable metastatic lung cancer is very proud that despite some trials and tribulations that I never gave up. As I look at my balance sheet I can say that I had more successful encounters than failed encounters. I have come to realize that all I can do is share my reason to Relay in hopes that it will resonate with others and that the people I share Relay with will see the value of supporting the effort to attack cancer from every angle. I have learned that some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what next. I have come to understand that as long as I am impeccable with my word, don’t take anything personally, don’t make judgements, and always do my best that I will come to have bliss and abundance in my life. I have come to realize that not everyone will understand the value of supporting Relay nor will they share my passion for wanting to plant the seeds of hope and healing for those touched by cancer. I have a choice I can focus on the negative or I can focus on the positive realizing that in the end there is balance and on my spiritual balance sheet the assets will outweigh the liabilities as long as I stay spiritually aware and awake.

See the source imageIt is when you can clear the negative energy that you can create a balance sheet that shows a profit in your personal, professional, and spiritual life. When we make the conscious decision to move in a positive direction toward our goals as we continue on our spiritual journey we will find that our assets always outweigh our liabilities. It is in using our assets that we can create more assets and thus experience the life that we want to have.  As we come alive by serving our community by answering our calling to make be the change that we want in the world we create many positive encounters that far surpass any negative encounters that we may have.  In realizing that we have a great power given to us by GOD and GOD wants us to use this power to create positivism in the world we evolve as spiritual beings who can have a great looking balance sheet.

See the source image When you awaken spiritually you will find that you go from being self centered to being people centered. As a result you find yourself better able to balance all that is happening in your personal, professional, and spiritual life.  As you look at your balance sheet take stock in all of your assets and look at how you can turn liabilities into assets by making the changes necessary so at the end of the day you can say wow I had a nice balanced day. May your quest to find balance be positive.

Action Takers Awakening Lessons Learned Life Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy The Journey Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Playing By The Numbers!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Playing By The Numbers!!!

Image result for Numbers Ever since I can remember numbers have played a major role in my life.  I think it all began with my first paint by numbers experience when I realized the power that numbers have in life. As I got older and began to experience spiritual awakenings I started to understand the roles of numbers and how they influence our personal, professions. and spiritual lives. I began to focus a lot of attention on numbers. As a result today as I continue to evolve spiritually I am very cognizant of numbers and their meaning. In understanding the power of numbers I am better able to make a mind, body, soul connection. In understanding numbers and their meaning I am able to adjust my vibration so that I am functioning at the highest vibration so as to attract peace, love, joy, and prosperity. In looking around the numbers that are coming into our daily life we can peel back the onion and figure out the reasons for why things are happening for us.

Image result for Numbers As we look at the numbers that coming up in our life we can make things happen and better comprehend why certain things are happening in our lives. Today for example I turned in money that I had collected for The 2018 American Cancer Society Relay For Life Of Sunrise and it brought my total to $3004 which adds up to 7. As I turned in the money the staff partner gave me a really nice Relay Hat and other Relay Items. I then went to Starbucks and was gifted a bag of chocolate covered almonds. I started to wonder why so I looked up the spiritual meaning of the number 7 and here is what I found.

Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Can’t Fight This Feeling!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Can’t Fight This Feeling!!!

Spiritual Awakening Quotes Simple Best 25 Spiritual Awakening Quotes Ideas On Pinterest SpiritualThe last few weeks have proven to be challenging as my own missteps have set me back and tested me. In learning from these set backs I have come to understand that  you can not fight the feelings that you  can only accept them and work through them. I have come to realize that I can only control my actions and that what other people do is not my problem even if their actions adversely affect me. I can choose to be angry and lower my vibration bringing more negativity into my life or I can turn the page and move on. The idea is not to fight the feeling but to recognize the feeling and work through it by remembering the spiritual teachings and understanding that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it. It is when we embrace the feelings and the challenges that are placed in our path that we are able to become action takers and come up with a solution that will make things better in our personal, professional, and spiritual life.

As my old lap top became difficult to use I made a decision to buy a new one. Unfortunately there was a communication breakdown with the salesperson and many of my files of the old lap top were not transferred. At first I was upset then I took a deep breath and realized though it may take time to move the files I will get them moved and thus be able to continue on my mission to be of service and value to others. As I consulted with the ascended masters and embraced the spiritual awakening I realized that it is important to answer my calling and follow the directions of GOD and simply move on in a positive direction toward my goals. As my new lap top came alive I found myself coming alive and being in a better place as I now had the tool I needed to promote the idea of planting the seeds of hope and healing for those touched by cancer. I was now given the opportunity to make the changes that I needed to make to be of service and value to my community. As my emotions ran the gamut of the emotional vibration field I realized that I had a choice I could be upset with the financial position I was in and where my life was or I could be grateful that I had the money to get a new lap top. I chose to be grateful and it changed my whole outlook. 

Action Takers Ascended Masters Awakening Change Facts of Life Feelings Finishing Flow Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivism Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Stones and Crystals Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: A Journey To The Light Side!!!

Spiritual Awakening: A Journey To The Light Side!!!

As I drove to Boca Raton today (12/21/2017) to pick up copies of this book that Michelle Goebel donated to help in the effort to assist those touched by cancer I realized that this was a journey to the light side as this donation was made with the intention of spreading love to those touched by cancer without any expectations of return. When I arrived at Starbucks I decided to read Michelle’s chapter, The Universe Heals Through The Heart, it was a very enlightening read and really confirmed the importance of journeying to the light side. Michelle’s story illustrates what is possible when you journey to the light side.

Image result for The Light Side SpiritualityAfter reading Michelle’s story I felt a shift of energy in my body as I began to find things to be grateful for and ways to be a beacon of hope and healing to others. It is through the journey to the light side that we are able to find ways to enhance the personal, professional, and spiritual lives of others while also enriching our own lives. It is in finding the light and driving out the darkness that we are able to move forward in a positive direction to enlightenment. In our journey we will encounter darkness however when we encounter darkness we have a choice we can dwell on the darkness or we can tap into our inner divinity and bring bright light to us using the forces of GOD, JESUS, The Ascended Masters, and The Angels to drive out the darkness thus allowing us to be a bright shining light that will help to illuminate the world with positivism. We have the ability to create a life filled with much peace, love, joy, and prosperity by simply reminding ourselves that we are divine children of GOD and GOD wants us to prosper as we journey toward enlightenment.

Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening

Spiritual Awakening: Waking People Up!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Waking People Up!!!

As I continue to travel on my spiritual path I have come across many people that need to wake up. Regular readers of this blog know my passion for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life and how I am always armed with facts and figures to help people wake up. Today (12/16/2017) I was out promoting Relay For Life and I had a gentleman say I put $1 in the canister and only $.25 (25 cents) goes to the people that need it. I explained that he was mistaken as 96% of each dollar raised goes to research, education, advocacy, and services. I also explained that I was a volunteer and that I do this to honor the memory of those taken by cancer including my mom who was called home to GOD on July 5, 2012 after suffering a massive heart attack while battling non-operable metastatic lung cancer. His reply I do my own thing. I said thank you GOD bless you and I left.  I share this with you to educate you so you have the facts thus you can be aware and awake to the truth.  In another instance today I went to The Pizza Hut in my community where I was a  loyal customer and I encountered a General Manager who immediately blew me off say I had to go through their main office. I was a bit taken about by this as one would think that a General Manager would be empowered to make a donation of 10 pizzas for an event that was 4 months away. I left thinking wow people need to wake up and find more kindness. I went to my car and remembered that some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what, next. As I drove over to Starbucks to write this entry I also remembered that is not my job to drag people kicking and screaming onto the path but instead to shine my light so bright that it illuminates the world and gives people permission to wake up. As I sat down to write this blog I was reminded that if I can not do big things to do small things with great love. I realized that b be caring and kind I would be able to shine my light and thus create a change in the world as I woke more people up..

Image result for Inner Divinity We need to understand that it is our responsibility to carry ourselves in a way in which peace, love, joy, and prosperity are exuded from us so that we raise the collective consciousness of those we encounter so that they will become awakened. It is important to understand that not everyone is as evolved spiritually as we may be and may not share the same passion that we share thus we must find common ground. It is out responsibility as evolving beings to make sure that we meet people where they are and do our best to lift them so that they can become the strong beings that they are. 

Action Takers

Spiritual Awakening: The Moment Of Awakening Has Come!!!

Spiritual Awakening: The Moment Of Awakening Has Come!!!

This past weekend I had the opportunity to announce 8 football games as part of The Gold Coast Pop Warner Football Championships. I am grateful for this opportunity as not only did it provide me a source of income but it also became a catalyst for spiritual growth. I arrived at the stadium on Saturday and asked the city staff person about getting a microphone and was told he was instructed not to give us one. I brought this up to the Gold Coast Pop Warner Football Representative and he made sure I had a microphone to announce the 4 games for that day. Despite the rain I was able to do a good job and use my talents to bring the game to life. On Sunday I arrived at the park and the sound system wasn’t set up and when it did get set up my voice sounded like the teacher from The Peanuts. I was a bit upset as I always strive to do my best when announcing a game. The situation was rectified as one of the teams brought their sound system and it worked out great. There were a few challenges like the site lines from the press box being obstructed at times however I was able to over come them and  do the job that I was hired to do. I share this because in the past I would have let anger rule the day and would have allowed it to ruin what I enjoy doing however this time I took a deep breath and allowed the issues to be corrected.  In being an action taker coming from a position of peace and understanding I was able to do my job and do it well and at the end I was able to have success.
In experiencing a spiritual awakening you will begin to become more and more aware and awake. As a result of understanding that the moment of awakening has come you will find yourself having a better understanding of who you are so that you can tap into your inner divinity and come alive. In coming alive you will begin to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your as your divine connection to GOD is strengthened. Last Night (10/30) I Hosted The Don’t Get Spooked By Cancer Fundraiser to benefit The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise at The Hooters in Sunrise. In the past I would have been upset by the people who passed by the booth and didn’t donate but last night I decided to be grateful for those who did give and to detach from the outcome. In doing this $202 was raised through the chance drawings and donations. In showing gratitude I was was able to help raise funds for research, education, advocacy, and services. I was able to simply understand that in another moment of awakening that if I simply do my best and am authentic then I will be rewarded with a successful event.  When we awakening spiritually and start to remove the negatives from our lives, what I like to call stinking thinking, and and we start to become more and more positive we enjoy a life filled with bliss and abundance.