Action Takers

Spiritual Awakening: The Moment Of Awakening Has Come!!!

Spiritual Awakening: The Moment Of Awakening Has Come!!!

This past weekend I had the opportunity to announce 8 football games as part of The Gold Coast Pop Warner Football Championships. I am grateful for this opportunity as not only did it provide me a source of income but it also became a catalyst for spiritual growth. I arrived at the stadium on Saturday and asked the city staff person about getting a microphone and was told he was instructed not to give us one. I brought this up to the Gold Coast Pop Warner Football Representative and he made sure I had a microphone to announce the 4 games for that day. Despite the rain I was able to do a good job and use my talents to bring the game to life. On Sunday I arrived at the park and the sound system wasn’t set up and when it did get set up my voice sounded like the teacher from The Peanuts. I was a bit upset as I always strive to do my best when announcing a game. The situation was rectified as one of the teams brought their sound system and it worked out great. There were a few challenges like the site lines from the press box being obstructed at times however I was able to over come them and  do the job that I was hired to do. I share this because in the past I would have let anger rule the day and would have allowed it to ruin what I enjoy doing however this time I took a deep breath and allowed the issues to be corrected.  In being an action taker coming from a position of peace and understanding I was able to do my job and do it well and at the end I was able to have success.
In experiencing a spiritual awakening you will begin to become more and more aware and awake. As a result of understanding that the moment of awakening has come you will find yourself having a better understanding of who you are so that you can tap into your inner divinity and come alive. In coming alive you will begin to attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your as your divine connection to GOD is strengthened. Last Night (10/30) I Hosted The Don’t Get Spooked By Cancer Fundraiser to benefit The American Cancer Society Relay For Life of Sunrise at The Hooters in Sunrise. In the past I would have been upset by the people who passed by the booth and didn’t donate but last night I decided to be grateful for those who did give and to detach from the outcome. In doing this $202 was raised through the chance drawings and donations. In showing gratitude I was was able to help raise funds for research, education, advocacy, and services. I was able to simply understand that in another moment of awakening that if I simply do my best and am authentic then I will be rewarded with a successful event.  When we awakening spiritually and start to remove the negatives from our lives, what I like to call stinking thinking, and and we start to become more and more positive we enjoy a life filled with bliss and abundance.

Action Takers Anthems Ascended Masters Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Facts of Life Feelings Fellowship Flow Forgivness Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Making Changes!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Making Changes!!!


 I had today (3/7/2015) all planned out and then all my well laid plans went astray. I went to the barber shop and my barber was not there, he’ll be back at 10 AM tomorrow. I went to the movie theater and it was closed for renovations. It was at that moment that I noticed a car show going on and I was wearing a Relay For Life Shirt and had a collection canister in the car. I took a deep breath as I have learned through the spiritual awakening process and asked GOD what I should do. The answer was change plans and solicit donations for The Relay for Life. I did just that. After collecting donations I asked GOD what next? The answer was to go to Starbucks and work on follow up for Relay For Life. I now sit at the Starbucks working on this blog entry with one of my Tokens of Appreciation from to give out. I have a n idea of who will get today’s but as today showed me don’t be to dependent on your plans as they will change. I have learned long my spiritual path that GOD has the master plan and he will direct you. Sometimes one has to detach from the plans you made and allow GOD to direct you to take the action he seeks you to take. many times as we experience our spiritual awakening we need to simply let go and let GOD. In making plans one has to also agree to be flexible if those plans go astray. In consulting with GOD, Jesus, our angels, and the ascended masters we will receive the messages to direct our actions that create the vibrations that lead to our lives being filled with peace, love, joy, and prosperity. many times our plans do not fit into our calling for the day and GOD sets things in motion for us that are more aligned with our calling and our life’s purpose. In accepting the fact that we must adapt and change according to what GOD has in store we create a greater oneness consciousness that allows us to come alive and help our community while also helping ourselves.

 Many times GOD makes changes to our plans to show us a better way. When we trust in GOD everything works out and many times they work out for the better.  When we detach from the plans and we understand that GOD has better things in store for us we begin to attract more positive experiences in our personal and professional lives. When we seek GOD’s direction and remove our emotions from the equation we are able to move forward in  the positive direction of our dreams. The fact remains that GOD will show the way you must be willing to follow the path he has set out and not get so set on your plans that you allow disappointment and the negative energy sucking emotions like anger creep into to your life as they lessen the vibrational levels that bring peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Detachment Dreams Emotions Feelings Finishing Flow Friends Gratitude Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Kindness Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Resonance Sacred Space Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Soul Scrub Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Spiritual Seduction Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Uncategorized Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Shaken Not Stirred!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Shaken Not Stirred!!!!


 In the James Bond movies he has a catch phrase when ordering his martini, Shaken Not Stirred. As I reflected back on this phrase I immediately thought that there are many times when we take action that we are shaken and not stirred and when we are shaken we must find something to un-shake us and put us back on our spiritual path that will allow us to continue in the spiritual awakening process. This song was one of the reminders that if you have faith and you create a oneness consciousness you will not be shaken, however if you are shaken you can get back on track. In answering your calling and following your heart you will have some detractors who will do their best to shake you and take you off of your path. Do not allow these naysayers and doubters to shake you simply detach from them and move forward in the positive direction of your dreams. As you begin to change those that are involved in your life will change. At first this may shake you up as you eliminate people and things that no longer serve you. As you get past the initially shake up you will begin to come alive and see that you have greatness inside of you and that it is time to step into your power.

Spiritual Awakening: Shaken Not Stirred- A Success Story!!!

 Sometimes in our efforts to be of service and value we will be shaken as not everyone will resonate with our efforts. In my quest to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays through my involvement with Relay For Life I used to take it quite personally when someone said no or made an excuse or was mean towards me. I recently realized that if I am shaken this doesn’t serve my purpose and that I must detach from the outcome and continue to do what I am comfortable with. I was a bit shaken during the fundraising for The 2014 American Cancer Society Relay For Life because I kept comparing my results with the results of others.  As I was telling someone that I have raised $1862 so far they said that is great. I replied yes but there are people who have raised a lot more. The person’s response to me after that was JDOGG you have to stop comparing yourself to what others have done your $1862 is $1862 that the organization didn’t have before you did fundraising. I reflected on his words and thought he is right. It was at that point that I became un-shaken and continued to do the fundraising the way I was comfortable and looked at each dollar raised as a triumph. I began to use the concept of gratitude and instead of being shaken I was able to stay the course an now look at from the perspective that some money raised is better than no money raised. I now look at the detractors in a different light as I know some will, some won’t, so what, some waiting, next.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Forgivness Friends Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Come Together!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Come Together!!!!


 As I was looking for the inspiration for today’s entry a message kept repeating itself to me and then I found this Beatles song, Come Together. It has become an  anthem for those who understand that when you work together you accomplish more. The idea that 1+1 = 3 is that you take me with my idea and I take you with your idea and together we come up with another idea. I am often asked JDOGG, why is it you collaborate so much with others and my answer is always because together everyone accomplishes more. It is when you awaken spiritually and understand that every person you come in contact with has something they can offer that is when you have your most success. Instead of writing someone off because they don’t drive a fancy car, or live in an expensive home, or have what you consider to be a lot of money, think what do they know that can help me? It is when we make the conscious effort to look beyond the materialistic possessions and look at the spiritual possession that we achieve an awakening to a higher calling that paves the way for success.  Many speak of what they will do while others take action and do it. Many will sit in judgment and miss out on valuable relationships because they are quick to dismiss the other person.  It is when you come together and are open to receive and answer your calling that you can make a change in your life and in others.

 When was the last time you walked up to someone at a networking event and said Hello, I just wanted to tell you I  like your style or Hello, thanks for taking the time to come to this event, tell me a little about yourself. For my friends that I see on a regular basis I will often walk up and say Hello, Give me a hug, I love your way. Making people feel important is a key in coming together. Creating a sense of community by coming together from a position of love and gratitude will enhance your personal and professional life and the lives of others. There is a saying Teamwork Makes The Dream Work, think about it you work together for the common good and everyone involved benefits in someway.

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Friends Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Following Your Passion!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Following Your Passion!!!



Today I was reflecting on the time I met and interviewed Irene Cara. In 1980 at age 15 I watched her in The Movie Fame and said I am going to meet her one day and guess what in  2005 during The 25th Anniversary Party for  The Movie Fame at The Fort Lauderdale Film Festival I met and interviewed her for The Happy Herald.  As I reflected on this experience the topic for today’s entry came, Follow Your Passion. How many times have people not done so and have regrets because they didn’t take action.  If you are truly passionate about something take action to follow that passion because Passion + Action = Success. Do not let people tell you that you are not good enough. There are so many examples of people who have followed their passion despite being told they weren’t good enough. Imagine what the gentleman who told The Beatles they weren’t ready for a record deal must be thinking today. If you are passionate about something take the steps to follow that passion and you will find success.

 When I told people that I was going to meet Irene Cara one day they thought I was a bit off, but then again I have never really fit into anyone’s box. This photo hangs on my wall in my house signed by Irene to remind me that dreams do come true and if you put the proper energy into your passion more dreams will come true. What is your passion? What action are you taking to follow your passion?

Anthems Awakening calling Dreams Emotions Feelings Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Sharing Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Success Vibrations Vision

Spiritual Awakening: How Do You Feel?

Spiritual Awakening: How Do You Feel?


 In the late 1970’s Peter Frampton wrote this song and asked the question of Do You Feel Like I Do? Many times throughout the course of the day I am asked how do you feel? I often answer sacrasically with the answer with my hands. This usually gets  a quick chuckle.   I then continue and say well it all depends on what the subject is? For example today I feel like we live in a crazy mixed up world as I read about the shooting in Colorado and then I read about the way people in the community of Delray Beach, FL and the surrounding areas are coming together

Action Takers Anthems Awakening Award Winners calling Come Alive Fellowship Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Success Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized

Spiritual Awakening: The Man In The Mirror

Michael Jackson’s Man In The Mirror shows the way to way to make a change and it reminds us that all change starts with us.

Spiritual Awakening: The Man In The Mirror

As the news of Donna Summer’s passing came across the wire I began to get very introspective and to take a look an the man in the mirror. Donna’s songs had mad a major impact on my childhood and today in my adulthood I find myself still moved by her music. As I reflected I began to post on facebook that people can visit and honor Donna with a donation to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. I also began to think what will my legacy be? Donna Summer will forever be part of our lives as her music lives on.

Donna Summer reminds us that sometimes things are one of a kind and that we will not have the recipe again. The message I share from this song is to start from scratch and see what happens.

A few days after Donna Summer passed word came in that Robin Gibb lost his battle to cancer. Again I put out the post honor Robin Gibb and anyone touched by cancer and help create a world with less cancer and more birthdays by visiting I then began to post songs that Robin was known for through The BEEGEES and began to take a look at myself and ask what impact am I making?

I chose this BEEGEES Song love somebody as a reminder to love yourself.

Spiritual Awakening: Loving The Man In The Mirror

In order to create a legacy and make a positive impact the first step is to love the person looking back at you. This is the most difficult step in the path as we are often told from a young age you are not good enough or you don’t have talent and through out our lives we reinforce this. Now is the time to shift your thoughts and to look at yourself as capable.  In the morning when you look  at the man in the mirror say:

1: I am loved and deserve to be loved

2: I am accomplished and continue to accomplish great things

3: I am good enough, qualified, and loved

4: I look good, I feel good, I will do good

5: I attract the people meant to be in my life

6: I attract joy and abundance easily and effortlessly

This will help you to create that auora of self love and thus enable you to be a shining light for others.

A question to ask is who do I see when I look in the mirror.

  Do see the roaring lion inside of you? It is time to let him/her loose. Remind yourself you are strrong and gifted. Stop allowing negativity to hold back your greatness. There are those who may doubt you as they don’t see the same person you see, don’t allow them any space in your head and surround yourself with caring and encouarging people.

Spiritual Awakening: Tool To Improve The Reflection of The Man In The Mirror

1.Become an action taker. As you look at that refelection tell the man in the mirror to gof for it you are capable of achieving gteatness.

2.  Play some music that you can adopt as your anthem- I like to play Janet Lee Kraft’s Album

3. Begin to write a journal and document your awakening

4. Make a wall of people you consider award winners and use them for motivation and inspiration

5. Explore your calling and take step to follow the calling and come alive


Peter Frampton asks us to show others the way. By finding your way and reflecting on the man in the mirror you will help others find their way.

Spiritual Awakening: The Man In The Mirror – Final Thoughts

As you look in the mirror remember  that you become what you think abouit so thing positive and highly about yourself and be a shining light for others to see.

Neil Diamond inspires us to turn on our heartlight.

As you begin to really look at the man in the mirror you will evolve and emerge as the person you wish to become.