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Spiritual Awakening: Being Yourself In The Political Correct World

Spiritual Awakening: Being Yourself In The Political Correct World


On question I am asked often is JDOGG how do you stay authentic in this political correct world? I answer as challenging as it is I remain true to myself and loook at my divinity and make sure that I am doing everything to answer the calling of Source. By taking action and being and example of my anthem that service to humanity is the best work of life I find myself answering my calling making the neccessary changes nedded to come alive and be of service and value to the community. It is in the following of dreams and encouraging others to follow their dreams that I am able to cope with the emotions of the political correct world. One of the conversations I had with my mother before she passed was on a concept called fearless painting. The idea is to just paint regardless of the feelings that other may have paint because you feel the emotion and you know what you want the finished product to represent. By going with the flow from source and answering your call and being yourself you will maneuver through this political correct world.


As you can see I am not a fan of political correctness. I am all for tolerance and understanding and getting to know people and to create a world filled with greatness, however I know that I may offend some people along the way. To this I say some will, some won’t, some waiting, so what next. Recently I sent a tweet aboit my fundraising efforts with The American Cancer Society followed by a retweet of a bible verse and I lost 14 followers going from 1560 to 1546. At first I was upset and then I realized that if my passion and commitment doesn’t sit well with people do I want them following me anyway. On Facebook I have a group Get Motivated With Jonathan JDOGG Lederman that at one time had 160 members and today has 145. This is due in part to me not being afraid to speak my mind and stand by the messages that source is delivering.