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Spiritual Awakening: Hold Fast Your Dreams!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Hold Fast Your Dreams!!!

      Through the spiritual awakening process you will find that you can tap into your inner divinity and manifest your dreams thus allowing you stay motivated to be of service and value to others. Through out my spiritual journey I have been fortunate to have many of my dreams turn into reality. Most recently I was the PA Announcer for The Cardinal Gibbons Chiefs Football Team and they won a State Championship in 2020 and team I announce for win a championship and I was given a championship ring which fulfilled a dream to have a team I announce for win a championship and for me to have a ring. The day I received the ring I wore it to an event and was able to brag about being the PA Announcer. The memories of that experience fuels me to hold fast to my dreams. I look forward to making more dreams come true. In the course of my awakening I have  come to realize that it is important to share your dreams and show gratitude to those who support your dreams.

Sources Of Wisdom Book 2 by Jim Dupre, Timothy Michael Ricke, Jonathan Jdogg lederman, Paperback | Barnes & Noble®Another dream of mine was to become a published author which became a reality when I became a featured author in Sources Of Wisdom Book 2 which then led me to be a featured author in Sources Of Wisdom Book 3. I also have had my poetry published on line at and have won a few editor’s choice awards. This all came about by taking action and realizing that if you are to turn your dreams into reality you must put aside all the doubters, haters, and naysayers and believe in yourself.  As I reflect on all the dreams that I have had that have come true I realize that regardless of how tough things may get you must be strong and hold fast your dreams. Do not allow others to hold you back simply take positive steps to bring your dreams to fruition.

Poem: Dreams

As you grow personally, professionally, and spiritually you will find that a major contributor to your growth is how you act upon your dreams. When you have a dream and you focus your vision on that dream you will find that your dream will manifest as the universe will conspire to give you the resources needed to turn that dream into reality. I have always said to write your dreams down with action steps to bring them to fruition for if it is in sight it is in flight however if it is out of sight it is out of mind. One great tool is to make a vision board and to understand that the possibilities are endless you just have to believe. When you change your mindset and create a belief system that allows you to step into your power so you can achieve the greatness that is your birthright you will find that you attract more peace, love, joy, and prosperity into your life. There may come situations that create blockages however you can clear the blockage by knowing that if GOD brought you to it GOD will bring you through it allowing you to dream.

       Take time to dream today and write your dream down so that you can face everything and rise. Your dreams are sacred to you so give them the attention that they deserve so that you can create the life you desire. When things seem difficult and challenging simply take solace in knowing that all things are possible through Christ who strengthens you. As I look back at the 55 years I have spent on this earth I can recount many times that I have dreams realized and sometimes not having a  dream come true held a valuable lesson of the fact that GOD had other plans for you. I remember the years of 1986-1987 I was a student at Hofstra University and I was a big fan of the football team and I applied to be part of The Homecoming Court and was not selected. At first I was disappointed because it was a dream to be part of the pageantry but after a while I realized that I could still support the team and be part of homecoming in my own way. I managed to make a bigger impact as I did fundraising for The Booster Club and attended all the games that year and even had a column In The Hofstra Chronicle. Though all dreams may not come true just following them holds lessons that will help to clear blockages so that you can have other dreams come true. It is your time to become a dream weaver today. Namaste!!!

Action Takers Anthems Awakening Award Winners calling Change Come Alive Community Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Friends Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Joy Lessons Learned Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Motivation Music Nature Never Giving Uo Peace Positive Energy Positive Thinking Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Gaining Strength By Giving Back!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Gaining Strength By Giving Back!!!


      It was 24 years ago in Coral Springs, Florida when I first heard these words and they have become part of my spiritual awakening. When I joined The Jaycees in 1989 I never imagined that my years of service would mold me into an action taker and enhance my spiritual path. I remember a cold day in December of 1989 when The Coral Springs Jaycees gathered to take needy children holiday shopping and thinking wow we are making a positive impact on the lives of others. I continued my service with The Jaycees until July of 2002 when I left to become a U.S. Peace Corps Volunteer in The Philippines. My service in the Philippines propelled me even further along my path of spiritual awakening. It was in The Philippines that I was able to truly understand the anthem of assume an attitude of gratitude. Upon my arrival back in The United States in February of 2003 I vowed to help other people excel. I quickly rejoined The Jaycees and helped to chair many projects. I began speaking at functions sharing the idea of being spiritually connected and staying positive.  The strength I gained by giving back has shown me that by embracing my divinity and shining my light I am making a positive difference in thieves of those I come in contact with. I have looked at all the awards I have won and I have realized that the wood rots, the metal tarnishes, but the memories last forever. I have had several spiritual awakenings while being of service and value. I have been awakened to a calling to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays and for the last 10 years have been dedicated to doing just that raising over $20,000 for The American Cancer Society Relay For Life. I have found that to be the change you want to see in the world you must take action and when spirit directs you do not question just take action. It is when you help others get what they want that you will get what you want and you will come alive and discover things that you never thought you were capable of doing and find that you are doing them.

 The strength you gain when you give back is amazing.  When you help your community you gain a sense of awakening as you recognize that one person, you are making a difference. Through service you gain strength as your relationship with GOD is strengthened and you begin to receive favor from GOD as you put other people before yourself. You begin to find your purpose and as you live your life on purpose you are rewarded. 

Action Takers Anthems Awakening calling Change Community Dreams Emotions Feelings Fellowship Finishing Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor I AM Inspiration Life Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Time Out Vibrations Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Bob Dylan Sparks Change!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Bob Dylan Sparks Change!!!!

Inspired by Bob Dylan’s songs Times They Are Changing and The Answer is Blowing in the Wind while  I sat at Starbucks in Plantation, FL I got up took a walk outside and realized just how things are changing and that stepping outside to listen to nature and slow down for a moment how clear the answers come through.  I asked a question about affecting change and then I sat down to receive the answer and it came with several messages like write about it, make a change in your life, and then spark others to change.  Bob Dylan influenced many to make positive changes and recognized that change is always occurring around us and that the answers are also all around us. When you make a positive change in your life such as eliminating negative people and your own negative thoughts you begin to see things in a better light and then the answers you are seeking become clearer. Sometimes making a change is hard as you feel you are doing the right thing when in reality you are holding yourself back and thus need a spark for change. What or who is sparking a change in you?

Action Takers Awakening Dreams Fellowship Finishing Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Sharing Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Nothing But A Dreamer??? What You Talking About Willis?

 Supertramp talks about being a dreamer. Are your the dreamer or the action taker?

Spiritual Awakening: Nothing But A Dreamer? What You Talking About Willis

This post was inspired by  The Supertramp Song, Dreamer as it  talks aboit being a dreamer at first it condems the dreamer and then it embraces the idea of being a dreamer. I added the What You Talking About Willis from the TV Show, Different Strokes, so as to emphasize how important it is to believe in yourself and not let doubters hold you back.  In his poem Hold Fast Your Dreams, Langston Hughes says:

 I have used this on several occassions during presentations to illustrate the idea of having dreams. I am reminded of the final scene of The Movie Accepted when the character Bartlebee ask the question What Did You Want To Be? One of the Board Members answered a Flute Player I wanted to play the flute. I began to think why did the man who want to play the flute give up or never pursue it? The reason he bought into the adult mode that dreams are for kids. Dreams are for everyone and you should always encourage the dreamers for it is those that take action on their dreams that succeed and inspire to do the same. Louise Hay, The Founder of Hay House Publishing(an affiliate on this site), shared the follwing in a recent interview with Ray Hemachandra:

 Louise Hay Shares insight into how her dream of Ballroom Dancing became a reality.

Ray Hemachandra: I am told you have taken up ballroom dancing.


Louise Hay: Yes, and it is something I started rather late, about two years ago. For whatever reason — for many reasons — I was always frightened of it. I kept saying things like, “I’ll do it in my next lifetime.” Then one day I thought, “That’s pretty stupid!”


I walked past a dance place, and they said, “We teach you to dance one step at a time,” and I thought, “I can do that!” So, I went in. I remember I held my breath the entire first lesson. But I kept going back. The self-help teacher talks about her books, her business, retirement, and the power of thought and word.

One day my teacher said to me, “Louise, I see the fear come into your eyes. Where is it coming from?” I couldn’t answer her, but when I went home, I thought about it. “Where is this coming from?” I thought. “Why am I so frightened of this?”

I got the answer. I felt that if I did it wrong, I was going to be slapped. I thought, “Oh, my, that goes back a long way, and I am still holding on to that!” And this understanding broke it for me.

I went back, and I told her what it was. When I realized what the problem was, that made a whole difference. And then, from there on, we had a lot of fun.

Action Takers Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Greatness Honor Messages Service and Value Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Strength and Sacrifice The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Are You A Dreamweaver or Dream Stealer

Are You A Dreamweaver or Dream Stealer ?

How many times have some one approached you with their vision and you thought wow what a concept or that will never work?  How many times have you verbalized your feelings not realizing the impact it would have on that person. Do you consider yourself a dreamweaver, a person who encourages and uplifts people when they share their dreams with you regardless of how far fetched it may seem, or are you a dream stealer, someone who puts down the idea and finds all the reasons it won’t work. As a business and life advisor I like to be a dreamweaver and help people follow their vision. Being a dreamweaver has many rewards one of which is seeing the progress and growth in someone you helped with their vision.

One of my favorites by Langston Hughes that I use often on my radio show, which can be heard on Monday from 7-8 PM EST at, where we talk about emowerment and inspiration with our guests, if you can not tune in live all the shows are archived. I also use this to be a dreamweaver on my Tantalizing Tuesday Teleclasses, which can be heard at 1-605-477-2100 pin 131099 from 7-8 PM EST, where again I have guests that are dreamweavers helping other people excel talk about a myriad of subjects. I am one who walks his talk as I consider myself a dreamweaver.