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Spiritual Awakening: Hey I Am Worth It!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Hey I Am Worth It!!!!

I decided to use Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs to illustrate that you deserve great things and that you are worth it. How many times have you offered a great service for what you believe to be a reasonable price and been asked why should I pay that? I always answer because I am worth it. Being a spiritual entrepreneur does not mean giving your talents away it means being of service and value and getting a reasonable exchange for your services and products. When you begin to tell yourself I am worth it you will begin to get paid what you value yourself at. I have learned in the last 2 years that if you do not put a high value on yourself and your talents noone else will. This was illustrated a few weeks ago when I was approached to do a voice over for a video and offered to do it for $100 and was told that they would find someone on fiverr, to which I replied go ahead, well guess what the video isn’t done and they are still searching for that inexpensive voice, when they could have had one of the best. The lesson I learned is stick to your guns as word will get out that you value yourself and you are worth it.

 Babe Ruth was someone who understood his value as illustrated by hisanswer when asked why he shoud be making more money than the president? His answer because I had a better year than he did.  Babe Ruth knew he was worth it.

Anthems Awakening calling Dreams Finishing Flow Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Sharing Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Success Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: How is Your Flow?

Spiritual Awakening: How is Your Flow?

This blog entry was inspired by a minor set back that occured this morning. I showed up to work with a client who had booked me for 3 days only to find out she wasn’t able to work with me this week.  At first I was very upset, then I took a deep breath and realized everything will work out and I stayed in the positive flow.    As I was writing this the phone rang and it was my client and we came to an agreement. It is amazing what can happen when we just go with the flow and let things happen. The lesson learned is to breathe and slow down and allow the good to prevail.

 Opening the chakras and being open to receive will increase your flow.

Spiritual Awakening: Understanding Flow

Once we realize that everything is energy we begin to create the ability to harness the energy for good and thus increase our flow. The biggest step is to ubderstand the flow of energy and how it is affecting our state of being in  making the mind, body, soul connection.

 This energy pyramid shows that the greatest energy we have is our spiritual energy, our connection to source and those surrounding us.  It is when we are spiritually energized that all the other aspects of energy allows for positive flow. The key is to get centered and balanced and look for the good in the energy field. Today the client cancelled, which is disappointing, howver it freed me up to do a blog entry and seek some other opportunities and follow up on a few projects.

Action Takers Awakening Finishing Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Never Giving Uo Peace Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Dancing In The Moonlight

Spiritual Awakening: Dancing In The Moonlight


 Thin Lizzy’s song Dancing In The Moonlight is a great lesson to sometimes break the rules & dance in the moonlight. By being an action taker and puuting yourself on a spiritual path you are going against the norms of society to allow the moonlight to shine on you and give you the energy to being a shining light to others. Think about ways you are breaking the boundries that may have held you back in the past and how going against expectations and being your authentic self is creating a more joyous experience in all you do. When you make that decision to dance in the moonlight their will be pain as some may not understand what you are seeking or why you are doing what you do. The best you can do is leave those people behind. It is a difficult decision because your initial feeling may be I have so much invested in this friendship or relationship, howver it is when you detach yourself and make the conscience decision to move on and pursue your moonlight that you will find the greatness inside of you that the world will see.

 Last night (6/3//12) I had the opportunity to witness as the emcee for this event people who decided to dance in the moonlight. The performers were amazing and inspirational. I was able to feel the positive energy in the room and be inspired by the Cancer Survivors. It was amazing to see people come together and work as one so as to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. I would like to ask everyone to take a moment and dance in the moonlight while visiting so as to help those affected by cancer dance in the moonlight.

Action Takers Awakening Dreams Fellowship Finishing Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Potential Power Power Sources Prasyer Purpose Reflections Sharing Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey Vision Winning

Spiritual Awakening: Nothing But A Dreamer??? What You Talking About Willis?

 Supertramp talks about being a dreamer. Are your the dreamer or the action taker?

Spiritual Awakening: Nothing But A Dreamer? What You Talking About Willis

This post was inspired by  The Supertramp Song, Dreamer as it  talks aboit being a dreamer at first it condems the dreamer and then it embraces the idea of being a dreamer. I added the What You Talking About Willis from the TV Show, Different Strokes, so as to emphasize how important it is to believe in yourself and not let doubters hold you back.  In his poem Hold Fast Your Dreams, Langston Hughes says:

 I have used this on several occassions during presentations to illustrate the idea of having dreams. I am reminded of the final scene of The Movie Accepted when the character Bartlebee ask the question What Did You Want To Be? One of the Board Members answered a Flute Player I wanted to play the flute. I began to think why did the man who want to play the flute give up or never pursue it? The reason he bought into the adult mode that dreams are for kids. Dreams are for everyone and you should always encourage the dreamers for it is those that take action on their dreams that succeed and inspire to do the same. Louise Hay, The Founder of Hay House Publishing(an affiliate on this site), shared the follwing in a recent interview with Ray Hemachandra:

 Louise Hay Shares insight into how her dream of Ballroom Dancing became a reality.

Ray Hemachandra: I am told you have taken up ballroom dancing.


Louise Hay: Yes, and it is something I started rather late, about two years ago. For whatever reason — for many reasons — I was always frightened of it. I kept saying things like, “I’ll do it in my next lifetime.” Then one day I thought, “That’s pretty stupid!”


I walked past a dance place, and they said, “We teach you to dance one step at a time,” and I thought, “I can do that!” So, I went in. I remember I held my breath the entire first lesson. But I kept going back. The self-help teacher talks about her books, her business, retirement, and the power of thought and word.

One day my teacher said to me, “Louise, I see the fear come into your eyes. Where is it coming from?” I couldn’t answer her, but when I went home, I thought about it. “Where is this coming from?” I thought. “Why am I so frightened of this?”

I got the answer. I felt that if I did it wrong, I was going to be slapped. I thought, “Oh, my, that goes back a long way, and I am still holding on to that!” And this understanding broke it for me.

I went back, and I told her what it was. When I realized what the problem was, that made a whole difference. And then, from there on, we had a lot of fun.

Anthems Awakening calling Come Alive Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Potential Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Sharing Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Success Synergy Talents The Journey

Spiritual Awakening: The Signs of Being Awake

Spiritual Awakening: The Signs of  Being Awake

If you look at the 12 symptoms of awakening you realize that we are all evolving on our spiritual path to fufilling the goal of being aware and awake. When you wake in the morning are the first words out of your mouth Thank You GOD? An awakened person acknowledges the creation of another day to make a positive impact on their life and the lives of others. ONe sign of being awake is the shift to a position of gratitude.

 As I began my spiritual awakening I began to become more grateful for the things that I have and the opportunities that are unfolding daily. I keep a gratitude journal and am gratefulto my friend and coach, Coach Shantel Springer, who showed me tools to come from a position of gratitude.


 Coach Shantel Springer Helps people to take the first step to becoming awake and that is to assume a position of gratitude mand to give thanks to GOD.

After assuming the position of gratitude and practicing it everyday the next step is to find ways to love yourself so you can love others. When I get up in the morning I say I am a loving caring person who positively impacts my life and the lives of others. I then shower and get dressed and then turn on Janet Lee Kraft’s CD:  I then read The Rev. Dr. Dee Adio-Moses Oneness Consciousness, then I read Mary Morrisey’s The Miracle Minute. When I do this I feel aware and alive and ready to be a shining light to those I come in contact with.

Action Takers Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Finishing Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice Synergy Talents The Journey Uncategorized Vision Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Coincidence Or Fate That Is The Question?

Spiritual Awakening: Coincidence or Fate That Is The Question

I began to ponder this question as I opened Rev. Dr. Dee Adio-Moses book  ONENESS CONSCIOUSNESS HEAL YOUR LIFE WITH DAILY PRAYERS AND MEDITATIONS today and saw the verse “Thia is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalms 118:24 and  realized that this same verse is on my calendar for April and then as I randomly opened my bible I turned to Psalms 118:24. Thus the question is it coincidence or fate that has brought this idea into being. My father came to vist and we began to discuss happiness and through out the day people I encountered shared the concept of happiness. Last night on my radio show, which is heard from 7-8 PM EDT at on Monday, the topic was happiness.

I have often said there are no coincidences as the universe conspires to bring ebrything together as it may be sought at the right time. How many times have you heard the message only to think coincidence? Well it was not coincidence it was source helping you to achieve. I am reminded of a day back in October 2011 when I was driving Home from an event and I had this desire to turn into the park where their was a football field. There was a game going on and I parked and went to the press box and offered to do the announcing, I was told go downstairs and speak to our vice-president, I did and I was told sure go upstairs and announce. I did the rest of the games that afternoon and was invoited to do the homecoming games. I was then invited to do the playoff game. I was nominated by The Lauderhill Broncos as Volunteer of The Year for The SAKE Awards. Was this fate or coincidence.

Action Takers Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Finishing Fortune Cookies Greatness Helium Balloons Honor Inspiration Lifting Limitless Beliefs Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Lessons Learned From Helium Balloons

Lessons Learned From Helium Balloons

I thought wow I can show up the afternoon before The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards and set up the red balloons I had chosen to represent power. I was very happy when I left the church the balloons were flying high and I was ready for the next step. Saturday Morning I arrived at the church and the ballons had fallen from up on high to the floor. I though okay sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men go astray so what do I do? I used what was left of the helium to fill up a few ballons and then I just spread out some human air filled balloons around the room and continued to set up. As I continued to set up I began to realize the lessons being taught by the helium balloons:

1: You can plan and have expectations but sometimes things happen that you adjust to and it turn out better than expected

2: Always have a back up plan

3: Leave time the morning of the event to blow up the balloons so as to have your maximum impact

4: Don’t over react as things have a way of working out in the end.

Action Takers Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Finishing Fortune Cookies Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Positivity Power Purpose Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Be An Advocate For Positivity

Spiritual Awakening: Be An Advocate For Positivity

What thoughts are you watering to create positivity?  We can wake up every morning and look at the negatives or we can choose to do something and change them to positives. Imagine if today a newscaster said breaking news 90% of  Americans are employed, 88% of property owners are paying their mortgage on time, or 89% of all high school students are graduating,  the change in attitude and the positive shift that would occur. Shifting from a gloom and doom, if it bleads it leads mentatlity to the concept of positivitity is going to take a conscience effort for people to become advocates for positivity.  It was written if you think you can or you think you can’t you are right. It is a lot better when you adopt The I think I can attitude.  You are a special person who can do anything you put your to. As Napolean Hill stated what the mind can conceive, the heart can believe, you can achieve. How many times have you had an idea to become an advocate for positivity and something held you back? It could have been the memory of someone saying you aren’t good enough that you haven’t released and said to yourself I am good enough and I am going to move forward in a positive direction and whatever happens happens.


Action Takers Award Winners Come Alive Dreams Finishing Fortune Cookies Greatness Honor Inspiration Lifting Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Power Prasyer Service and Value Signals Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Staying Alive Strength and Sacrifice The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: Celebrate Life By Lifting People Up

Spiritual Awakening: Celebrate Life By Lifting People Up


I saw this quote and I immediately thought of the people that will be honored on Saturday 3/24/12 at The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Awards and how they are lifting up the people in the communities where they live, work and play. Each honoree has an amazing story and by attending the event you will have a chance to meet them and be inspired by them and be lifted by the experience. When we lift up others we also lift ourselves for we celebrate life by lifting people up. Think about it  after a big football game the winning team usually carries a coach off the field on their shoulders. I am figuratively lifing our honorees up on my shoulders to show tem respect and admiration.

 Don Shula celebrates life and his 317 career victory with his players.

Action Takers Come Alive Greatness Honor Inspiration Meditation Messages Never Giving Uo Power Prasyer Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Strength and Sacrifice The Journey Uncategorized Winning Women Power

Spiritual Awakening: How to Quiet The Mind and Be Productive

As I sat by my pool today reading Rev. Dr. Dee Adio-Moses’ book You’re enough I was visited by an iguana who needed to take a break from his scampering. At first I was startled as I was thinking about a passge from the book about GOD being in us and how you can listen to the small voice whispering to you and guiding you. As I began to quiet my mind the messages aboiut being productive started to flow and I thus my inspiration for today’s entry.

Spiritual Awakening: How to Quiet The Mind and Be Productive

I have often stated that when the mind is quiet you can receive the messages that can lead you to be productive. A few ways to quiet the mind are:

1: Find a quiet place and lay on your back close your eyes and just breathe- This is difficult at first as we are so programmed to rush from one task to the next. We all tend to have what we perceive to be busy lives, however we are a priority and by finding a quiet place to lay down and breathe will help us to improve our health and well being. I usually lay back say GOD is good God is great Ave Marie a few times as I breathe and then I stop and just breathe ignoring any thoughts that come into my head. I do this for about 15 minutes and then I pick up with the task I was working on and move forward in a positive direction.

2: Lay down on your couch after putting on some soothing music or a deep meditation CD and just breathe while listening to the sounds and blocking everything else out.

3: Sit in a  with your barefeet(or with socks) touching the ground and your palms open to the sky and just allow everything to flow.

Spiritual Awakening: Celebrities That  Meditate

Wynonna Judd claims that meditation and quieting the mind has led to her getting healthier, being happier, and increasing her creativity.

 Robin Williams, who is known for being very wound up and full of energy says he even finds ways to quiet his mind as it helps him to comeback refreshed and more creative