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Spiritual Awakening: Sow Your Good

Spiritual Awakening: Sow Your Good

As I read Mary Morrissey’s, The Miracle Minute, today the passage I read was about Sowing Your Good and this inspired me to write this blog entry as I have witnessed so many people that are sowing their good. It is when you begin to sow your good that you begin to open up the channels of reception and that you will begin to be rewarded. It is when you give of yourself and do things without expectation of return that the biggest gains are made. It is important to monetize yourself and your brand as the money that comes in can be used to sow your good. I often do events where I will set aside a percenatge of my emcee fee for a charitable cause as I know when you give to others and help to further their mission you will also be create a flow that will help you to further your mission.


I have seen many people sowing their good recently as they have become lifters in their community and beacons of hope to others. The list is quite extensive as evidenced by my list of friends on facebook who continue to pass their knowledge on to help others. I recently had the opportunity to connect with Rev. Cortez Mack who has a documentary film What About The Children that will inspire you to sow your good to help future generations.

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Spiritual Awakening: What Call Are You Placing?

 Jim Croce talks about placing a call to find a long lost girlfriend in his song Operator.

Spiritual Awakening: What Call Are You Placing?

As I listened to Jim Croce’s Operator I began to think what call are we placing and how are we being perceived when we make the call.  I have a friend Cynthia Segal who helps to place a great call to help people enhance their personal and professional life. She has a site She has been named one of the top psychics in the world. When you call her and she makes the special call for you she will give you the messages she receives. Then it is up to you to follow through and take action remembering that Passion + Action = Success.

 Blondie reaches out and asks yiou to place a call and call her anytime.

Spiritual Awakening: Types of Calls

I utilize my phone in many situations and each time befor I dial I get myslef centered and grounded and prepare by asking what call am a I making:

1: The Invitation- The call where you are inviting someone to attend an event. Make sure to explain why it will be beneficial to them.

2: The Donation- The call where you are asking for support of a project or cause. Make sure you touch the heart of the person you are speaking with.

3: The Thinking About You Call.  A short call to remind someone they are important

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Spiritual Awakening: Dancing In The Moonlight

Spiritual Awakening: Dancing In The Moonlight


 Thin Lizzy’s song Dancing In The Moonlight is a great lesson to sometimes break the rules & dance in the moonlight. By being an action taker and puuting yourself on a spiritual path you are going against the norms of society to allow the moonlight to shine on you and give you the energy to being a shining light to others. Think about ways you are breaking the boundries that may have held you back in the past and how going against expectations and being your authentic self is creating a more joyous experience in all you do. When you make that decision to dance in the moonlight their will be pain as some may not understand what you are seeking or why you are doing what you do. The best you can do is leave those people behind. It is a difficult decision because your initial feeling may be I have so much invested in this friendship or relationship, howver it is when you detach yourself and make the conscience decision to move on and pursue your moonlight that you will find the greatness inside of you that the world will see.

 Last night (6/3//12) I had the opportunity to witness as the emcee for this event people who decided to dance in the moonlight. The performers were amazing and inspirational. I was able to feel the positive energy in the room and be inspired by the Cancer Survivors. It was amazing to see people come together and work as one so as to create a world with less cancer and more birthdays. I would like to ask everyone to take a moment and dance in the moonlight while visiting so as to help those affected by cancer dance in the moonlight.

Awakening calling Fellowship Greatness Grounding Happiness Honor Inspiration Lifting Love Meditation Messages Mind Body Soul Music Peace Positivity Power Prasyer Purpose Reflections Service and Value Sharing Songs Spiritual Awakening Spiritual Entrepreneurs Spiritual Lift SPiritual Misson Success Talents The Journey Vision

Spiritual Awakening: Namaste For Everyone!!!!!



Spiritual Awakening: Namaste For Everyone!!!!!!

I was listening to The Barney (Yes The Purple Dinosaur) Song I love you, you love me……. and began to think what if I could change the lyrics and make it a song about Namaste and came up with I am Divine, Your are Divine, Namaste for Everyone, spread it everyday at work and at play, show your love like an angel or a dove and let’s praise our source from above, Namaste for Everyone.  As I began to share this idea I was asked what Namste was? I found the following answer to help people new to the spiritual path  to become more enlightened.

The gesture Namaste represents the belief that there is a Divine spark within each of us that is located in the heart chakra. The gesture is an acknowledgment of the soul in one by the soul in another. “Nama” means bow, “as” means I, and “te” means you. Therefore, Namaste literally means “bow me you” or “I bow to you.” The picture above shows how to deliver Namaste as to place your hands infront of your heart charka and bow to the person you are greeting or saying good by to.



Spiritual Awakening: Being in Namaste!

This article was inspired by Rick Figley and Stacy Sossner, who were recipients of A Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Award for their outstanding work in helping people find their divine within. Their facebook group Being in Namaste has great uplifting stories like the one shared by Elaine Caban, who I had the pleasure of interviewing on my radio show and who is always full of love and joy. I have had the privilidge to meet so many wonderful people who truly exemplify the idea of being in Namaste. Many were recipients of The Spiritual Entrepreneurs Visionary Award in March. You can see a list of honorees by clicking on The Meet The  SEVA Honorees tab.

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Spiritual Awakening: Nothing But A Dreamer??? What You Talking About Willis?

 Supertramp talks about being a dreamer. Are your the dreamer or the action taker?

Spiritual Awakening: Nothing But A Dreamer? What You Talking About Willis

This post was inspired by  The Supertramp Song, Dreamer as it  talks aboit being a dreamer at first it condems the dreamer and then it embraces the idea of being a dreamer. I added the What You Talking About Willis from the TV Show, Different Strokes, so as to emphasize how important it is to believe in yourself and not let doubters hold you back.  In his poem Hold Fast Your Dreams, Langston Hughes says:

 I have used this on several occassions during presentations to illustrate the idea of having dreams. I am reminded of the final scene of The Movie Accepted when the character Bartlebee ask the question What Did You Want To Be? One of the Board Members answered a Flute Player I wanted to play the flute. I began to think why did the man who want to play the flute give up or never pursue it? The reason he bought into the adult mode that dreams are for kids. Dreams are for everyone and you should always encourage the dreamers for it is those that take action on their dreams that succeed and inspire to do the same. Louise Hay, The Founder of Hay House Publishing(an affiliate on this site), shared the follwing in a recent interview with Ray Hemachandra:

 Louise Hay Shares insight into how her dream of Ballroom Dancing became a reality.

Ray Hemachandra: I am told you have taken up ballroom dancing.


Louise Hay: Yes, and it is something I started rather late, about two years ago. For whatever reason — for many reasons — I was always frightened of it. I kept saying things like, “I’ll do it in my next lifetime.” Then one day I thought, “That’s pretty stupid!”


I walked past a dance place, and they said, “We teach you to dance one step at a time,” and I thought, “I can do that!” So, I went in. I remember I held my breath the entire first lesson. But I kept going back. The self-help teacher talks about her books, her business, retirement, and the power of thought and word.

One day my teacher said to me, “Louise, I see the fear come into your eyes. Where is it coming from?” I couldn’t answer her, but when I went home, I thought about it. “Where is this coming from?” I thought. “Why am I so frightened of this?”

I got the answer. I felt that if I did it wrong, I was going to be slapped. I thought, “Oh, my, that goes back a long way, and I am still holding on to that!” And this understanding broke it for me.

I went back, and I told her what it was. When I realized what the problem was, that made a whole difference. And then, from there on, we had a lot of fun.

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Spiritual Awakening: Creating Your Power Source

Spiritual Awakening: Creating Your Power Source

I have had the honor and pleasure to meet Bert Oliva and interview him on my radio show, Get Motivated With Jonathan JDOGG Lederman, which is heard at on Monday from 7-8 PM EDT. On my show we spoke about power and finding your power source and  Bert broke down the word Power into the following acronyn.

P= Passion, which when broken down is Pass I On meaning to pass yourself on and to use your knowledge to help others achieve their goals and objectives.

O= Opportunity, Look for the opportunities that are available for you to step into your power and to positively impact the lives of others remember that by helping others get what they want you will get what you want.

W= Wealth most want it but don’t know how to obtain it. One way is to pay yourself first. For example each time you earn money take 10% and put it to the me fund. Then pay your bills and meet your obligations.

E= Education, though you may have ended your formal education it is very important to educate yourself and invest inyourself be it through books, seminars, or other avenues the more you learn the more you will earn.

R= Real, be your authentic self don’t be afraid to let the world know about your flaws and how you have overcome them.let people know who you truly are. Define yourself by not letting others define you.

 Most of our power comes from our heart. From the moment we are conceived we begin to develop our inate intelligence and as we develop in the womb the brain is formed first and then the spinal cord and then all the other human elements. We come out and are immediately spanked to show that we are awake. Then something happens all the power we had in the womb is usurped as we become dependent on the outside world. We begin to explore and as we grow we learn to crawl, then we learn to walk and then we start to run. We begin to formulate our beliefs and many times we give our power away. Then one day we discover that all the power we need lies with us and we begin to discover our power source. We begin to tear down all the limiting beliefs that have held us back. Like the scene from Network we run to the window and we shout as loud as we can that I am mad as hell and I am not going to take it anymore. It is at that moment we discover our power source.

Spiritual Awakening: Ways to Discover Your Power Source

1: Stop listening to those who doubt you– I remember having on teacher tell me I would be lucky to amount to anything and another that wrote in my year book To a young man with a lot of potential if he would only use it. In 1988 I was reunited with both as I was substituting at the middle school where they both taught and that I had attended. I went up to the one who doubted me and introduced myself and said How Are you Liking me Now. I walkedup to the other and thanked him. BY letting go of the doubters and listening to the encouragers I am finding success.

2: Surround yourself with those that lift you up and inspire you– I recomend a brag wall at your home or strategically placed items that can set the tome for a positive limitless mind set. At my home I have many photos and quotes that inspire me. I look at them everyday and thus set the positive attitude in motion.

3: Stop and just breathe-  Many times take a deep breath and evaluate the situation.

4: Meditate-  Find a quiet spot wherever you may be and clear your mind and let the messages flow in and out and ask your higher self for guidance and direction.

5; Believe that greatness is your birthright- remind yourself that you are great and that greatness is something you deserve.


Spiritual Awakening: Affirmations and Songs To Find Your Power Source



You may be one but you are one with a great power source

The effort you make to use your power source for good makes a positive impact

Muhamad Ali, Marianne Williamson, Rocky Balboa give lessons on finding your power source.

“It’s the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen.” Muhammad Ali

As you find your power source and become more awake be a shining light to those you come in contact with.

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Spiritual Awakening: Incense, Insight, and More!!!!

Spiritual Awakening: Incense, Insight, and More

As I was getting ready to write this blog I closed my eyes and inhaled the incense and asked source what I should write about and source answered with this headline. I am alsways amazed how when I burn my incense and close everything else off that answers to my questions appear. When I tell people about the practice of buring incense many of those not on a spiritual path scoff. I take a breathe and intrnally say to myself they don’t know what they are missing. I often will draw a hot bath, light some candles, put on a mediation cd, like the one I have from Sonia Alexandra, burn the incense and clear my mind to get grounded. I also like to do this ritual using a cd my mother gave me of tribual and natural sounds.  I have also found that listening to instrumentals, tribal chants, sounds of nature will asssit with gaining insight thus contiuning on a spirtual path to personal growth and enlightenment.

There have been times when I will go to the big pool at The Sunrise Lakes Phase III Clubhouse and make a small quiet peaceful area for myself with the incense buring while I read books like Ernest Chu’s Soul Currency, Amy Hammond Hagberg’s How Do You Know He is Real, Guy Finley’s The Seeker, The Search, The Sacred, and others that are now in my library for spiritual growth.

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Spiritual Awakening: The Signs of Being Awake

Spiritual Awakening: The Signs of  Being Awake

If you look at the 12 symptoms of awakening you realize that we are all evolving on our spiritual path to fufilling the goal of being aware and awake. When you wake in the morning are the first words out of your mouth Thank You GOD? An awakened person acknowledges the creation of another day to make a positive impact on their life and the lives of others. ONe sign of being awake is the shift to a position of gratitude.

 As I began my spiritual awakening I began to become more grateful for the things that I have and the opportunities that are unfolding daily. I keep a gratitude journal and am gratefulto my friend and coach, Coach Shantel Springer, who showed me tools to come from a position of gratitude.


 Coach Shantel Springer Helps people to take the first step to becoming awake and that is to assume a position of gratitude mand to give thanks to GOD.

After assuming the position of gratitude and practicing it everyday the next step is to find ways to love yourself so you can love others. When I get up in the morning I say I am a loving caring person who positively impacts my life and the lives of others. I then shower and get dressed and then turn on Janet Lee Kraft’s CD:  I then read The Rev. Dr. Dee Adio-Moses Oneness Consciousness, then I read Mary Morrisey’s The Miracle Minute. When I do this I feel aware and alive and ready to be a shining light to those I come in contact with.

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Spiritual Awakening: Pleasuring Yourself and Then Pleasuring Others

Pleasuring Yourself and Then Pleasuring Others

Now that I have your attention, let me explain what is meant by this it is not where your mind took you what I am speaking about here is taking care of yourself. From looking good, to feeling good physically and emotionally, the finding joy in what you do I am speaking about finding what pleasures you and what brings about your best.

 What are you doing to live a joyful life. The following is a list of 10 things to do to pleasure yourself and the pleasur others.

10: Spend Quiet Time in Nature

9: Tell Someone They Are Special

8: Help a Charity

7: Keep a Gratitude Journal

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Spiritual Awakening: Finding Your Path and Your Purpose

Spiritual Awakening: Finding Your Path and Your Purpose

I remember the movie, The Blues Brothers, the original with John Beluhi playing Jake and Dan Akroyd playing Elwood where they would state I am Jake and  this is my brother Elwood and we are on a mission from GOD! Their mission was well defined, to raise enough money to pay the property taxes to save the school that they attended as children. They had a unique way of furthering this mission. In the end they made it to the property tax office and paid the back money to save the school.  By defining their mission, being of service and value, and utilizing their talents these two offbeat musicians achieved their goal.

John Belushi(Jake) and Dan Akroyd (Elwood) contemplate their next move on their path to save their school.

Finding The Path:

Like Jake and Elwood you have a path it may not be as zanny and far fetched as it was in the movie, however it is a path and you are being guided to follow it everyday. In The Wizrd of Oz  Dorothy is told to follow the Yellow Brick Road. She and Toto follow the path meeting characters like the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, and  The Lion. The characters represent the universe putting people in our life to help us along our path. Dorothy wason the path so she could find her way home and the universe was providing her with help along the way.  What is our yellow brick road and who are we meeting along the way?

Dorothy, Scarecrow, Lion, Tin Man, and Toto find their path and recieve what they were searching for by heading the messages of the universe.